"Night Owls"___12 x 9 pencil on archival paper__$80 if you ask first!
Another sketch from the "night time" exhibit at the zoo. This was a very active pair of owls. They flew to and fro in their room, as much interested in me and the sketching students, as we were in them! We had owls like this on our farm, and I was able to "call them up" if they were nearby.
I got to travel to San Antonio yesterday to work with sculptor, Jason Scull , interviewing 24 high school "superstar" artists. We (and a few others) had the TOUGH task of selecting a few students to receive scholarships for the Western Art Academy. These selected artists will receive THREE WEEKS of instruction in sculpting and oil painting. They get to live and work on a college campus, as FULL TIME artists. Their training concludes with a museum reception to present their works to collectors and patrons... I have taught oil painting at this Academy for a few years :)
CONGRATULATIONS to all the kids who have artworks in the Youth Rodeo Competitions!
I KNOW the hard work and time you have invested in your projects this semester! GOOD LUCK inthe judging, and Art Academy interviews! You are MUCH ADMIRED by the Rodeo Staff and your peers!!!! (and ME!!!....I am totaly impressed with the masterpieces you have created and your efforts these past few months! )
You never cease to amaze me. You are so damned good!