Thursday, January 12, 2012


Bladen_____12x9 oil on linen______sold
Bladen is the beloved friend of a friend, commissioned by a friend!
Knowing that Bladen is very sick made me really enjoy painting this one-a Christmas commission for D.W. to give to J.P....I waited to post it, just in case J.W was looking at my blog!
I have MISSED the regular posting and visiting with my blog-friends, and apologize for being "quiet" for a whole month. This is the longest break I have had since starting to blog about 5 years ago!
Did you enjoy the break from my art???...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


  1. Glad your back...missed you.

    Love this painting and I hope Bladen gets better soon...I know it's rough when a pet isn't well. I'm going through it with my shepherd, Max.

  2. NO!!!! I did not enjoy the break from your art!!! I looked every day for a new painting. I love your work!

  3. No dear, we never enjoy break from YOU!
    The dog paintings are beautiful and poignant, as animal portraits usually are.


Thank you for your comment! Especially the GOOD ONES!