Thursday, May 31, 2007
31 Last Year...Fall Day, late 6 am

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
30 Last Year...Farm Day 6 am Steam

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
27 Last Year...Fall Day - 1pm

The first day of The Phippen Museum Show was yesterday and I had a pretty great day...there were many HUNDREDS of patrons watching and buying at the Quick Draw event...and I received a nice award from Southwest Art Magazine...I'll tell more about that later...come see me in Prescott!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
25 Last Year...Fall Day 11 am

During this time I will be posting paintings from the Last Year on the Farm…three times I have painted the farm 24 times in 24 hours: I did these marathons in the Fall, Winter and Spring.(I will do another one soon)… I never posted all of those, so I will be playing “catch up” for the next 2 weeks.
I will wait till I get back to post the AZ works.
Will be checking mail a lot, so please send your comments!
"Last Year on the Farm" paintings will be offered for sale in a few months, when our last year is up. Please ask me if you want a copy of the story. If you see one you like, PLEASE CONTACT V....Vaughan to have first shot at it. A list is underway....my kids get first pick! ;)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
24 Last Year...Fall Day, 10 am

During this time I will be posting paintings from the Last Year on the Farm…three times I have painted the farm 24 times in 24 hours: I did these marathons in the Fall, Winter and Spring.(I will do another one soon)… I never posted all of those, so I will be playing “catch up” for the next 2 weeks.
I will wait till I get back to post the AZ works.
Will be checking mail a lot, so please send your comments!
"Last Year on the Farm" paintings will be offered for sale in a few months, when our last year is up. Please ask me if you want a copy of the story. If you see one you like, PLEASE CONTACT V....Vaughan to have first shot at it. A list is underway....my kids get first pick! ;)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
23 Last Year...- Fall day 7am

"Last Year...Fall Day one of 24 ...7 am"
For the next 2 weeks I will be in Arizona: painting, showing, teaching and demo-ing…aka demonstrating. If you are anywhere near Prescott, Phoenix, Sedona or the Bisbee area, please let me know!
During this time I will be posting paintings from the Last Year on the Farm…three times I have painted the farm 24 times in 24 hours: I did these marathons in the Fall, Winter and Spring.(I will do another one soon)… I never posted all of those, so I will be playing “catch up” for the next 2 weeks.
I will wait till I get back to post the AZ works.
Will be checking mail a lot, so please send your comments!
"Last Year on the Farm" paintings will be offered for sale in a few months, when our last year is up. Please ask me if you want a copy of the story. If you see one you like, PLEASE CONTACT V....Vaughan to have first shot at it. A list is underway....my kids get first pick! ;)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Red Baler
The painting above is one of my first plein air works. A “quick sketch” I did before I started our “Last Year on the Farm”.
For the next 2 weeks I will be in Arizona: painting, showing, teaching and demo-ing…aka demonstrating. If you are anywhere near Prescott, Phoenix, Sedona or the Bisbee area, please let me know!
During this time I will be posting paintings from the Last Year on the Farm…three times I have painted the farm 24 times in 24 hours: I did these marathons in the Fall, Winter and Spring.(I will do another one soon)… I never posted all of those, so I will be playing “catch up” for the next 2 weeks.
I will wait till I get back to post the AZ works.
Will be checking mail a lot, so please send your comments!
Monday, May 21, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007
The First Bale

"Last Year...First Bale May 19 2007"
It was hazy when I began to paint this and I didn't know what the dark "blob" was ...after 20 minutes and eye adjustments, I realized that the hay was being baled and this was the first one!. I love hay time here on the farm...the air smells different, the dogs like to walk the rows...it was Sandy's favorite past time :)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007

Last Year on the Farm 05 - 18-2007 v....vaughan
I painted this with a very heavy heart. Our beloved dog, Sandy died in the early morning hours. He was laying in the yard in his usual place , lifeless, this morning.Just yesterday I photographed him as he greeted me on the road after taking my son to school. He had slowed down a lot this year, but his favorite thing to do was to roam the hay fields. We just did that yesterday...Sandy came to us as a stray and was always a mellow, easy going pal...I will paint him tomorrow ...
"Last Year on the Farm" paintings will be offered for sale in a few months, when our last year is up. Please ask me if you want a copy of the story. If you see one you like, PLEASE CONTACT V....Vaughan to have first shot at it. A list is underway....my kids get first pick! ;)
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Yard Ponies

I had to paint this from memory…a fun exercise! These were a few mother’s day visitors who spent the night in our front yard…My sons were very amused because alltheir life we have had fences separating our yard from the pasture. Since the cows left the fences have been taken down. Not only that, but there are NEVER horses in this pasture...it was weird for them, to be here, too..they were really uneasy and seemed to be more comforted hanging around our house and cars...
"Last Year on the Farm" paintings will be offered for sale in a few months, when our last year is up. Please ask me if you want a copy of the story. If you see one you like, PLEASE CONTACT V....Vaughan to have first shot at it. A list is underway....my kids get first pick! ;)
V....Vaughan's Schedule:
May 26-28 Phippen Museum Western Art Show, Prescott, AZ
May 29 - 31 Workshop at the Ranch...Prescott...e-mail me for details
June 1-3 "Free Time" in Sedona. Painting there, of course
June 4-8 Verano Gallery Workshop, Bisbee AZ
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
An Hour Ago

May 19 "Art Splash" Graham, TX
Monday, May 14, 2007
Good Hay Year

"Good Hay Year...2005"
A few years ago I did not know we'd be moving off the farm in 2007. I painted this at "hay time" in May that year. Nancy and Bobby are getting ready to cut hay right now, and it looks like it will be a good year, like 2005 was...My painting style has developed a little since this one, so it will be fun to note the difference if I can paint a similar one in a few days :)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Sunset Over the Neighbors

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007
Hey Pitcher

"Pitcher".....V....Vaughan Sketch
This is my son, Samuel, a long, lean athlete who would rather play and compete than anything...He was pitching "nasty" last night...that's a good thing in baseball lingo :) I was able to sketch him on the mound...little by little...using pen so that I don't fuss with the sketch too much...
School "Year-end" activities rule the day, so I have postponed my Rockport workshop untill later this month... see upcoming events below!
V....Vaughan's Schedule:
May 19 "Art Splash" Graham, TX
May 26-28 Phippen Museum Western Art Show, Prescott, AZ
TWO WORKSHOPS in AZ in late May/early June.
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Horse Strength
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Fallbrook Knob

May 12. "Sunrise Saturday Workshop" , Rockport, TX
Monday, May 07, 2007
Sunward___a new reproduction

Friday, May 04, 2007

Thursday, May 03, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Storms Like Today

Cove Lights

May 19 "Art Splash" Graham, TX
May 26-28 Phippen Museum Western Art Show, Prescott, AZ
See Website for Scheduled Workshops