Monday, October 01, 2012

Wes' Wolf

Wes' Wolf Demo___from the workshop
My informal sketching workshop in Austin Might resume in NOVEMBER if a few people are interested...just let me know! Above is one of the sketch demos I did with my wolf-loving-student, Wes....Mine is a quickie, rough should see Wes' ...he is an amazing young artist with a superb eye for detail :)

November__Austin___ "Chocolates and Chiaroscuro" contact V...,. 
Oct. 28-30__Texas__Full Moon at Fredericksburg Artists School, contact V...,.
2013___New York City, Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania...
2015___February-March ___New Zealand

**BE SURE to tell me if you sign up! I like to send things to my students to get them ready, keep them "seeing", and thinking, and talking about it

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