Monday, May 30, 2011

On the Way

On the Way___12 x 12 gallery wrap___for an upcoming show
YES! THis one is a larger version of my last post called On the 28th. WHen I do similar paintings I like to keep the titles similar so that I can find them in my files...This painting was prepared for an upcoming exhibit of the PACT Team at Hill Country Bible Church next month...I will talk about that as the time draws near.
I have a couple of almost full workshops drawing near...June 13-15 in Fredericksburg, TX and June 18 in Smithville, TX...I have heard that the Smithville group has been doing their "homework" which I "assigned" a few weeks ago! I am eager to meet up with some of these artists who have already worked with me!

Friday, May 27, 2011

On the Twenty-Eighth

On the Twenty-Eighth__6x8 oil on linen__special commission
I painted this as a special commission for DB and KB...I hope they like it....the date of this farm painting was OCTOBER 28...
Saturday is the 28th of May....a day I have been preparing for for 12 years! My youngest son will graduate high school tomorrow....on his way to college and life beyond!...Just as I am on my way to an empty nest and life beyond!....We were reminded of that today, (Friday) as we went to the funeral for Aunt husband's GREAT Aunt. Our families had a lot of contact with one was great to see the extended family at the funeral on the south side of San Antonio...we all vowed to get together soon BEFORE the next funeral....June was almost 90. She was a friend of Grandmother Helen and married to her brother, Roy who died a few years ago....WONDERFUL TEXAS PEOPLE with a rich love of life and family...from an era that we owe a lot to..... She passed quietly in her sleep...what a blessing and GIFT to her daughters...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Ginger___6x6 oil on linen___a graduation gift for Katy

Please don't tell her!!!! ;)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Shapes of Sunrise

The Shapes of Sunrise---A LESSON---painting is SOLD
I say that painting is easy! Like everything else it takes time and practice to get comfortable with all the variables. Variables such as what type of canvas? board? brush? brand of paint?...and then there's the KNOWLEDGE factor: does green and yellow make blue? what ratio of green to yellow? WHAT??? OH, I just wasted a bunch of green...
But after a while, you get better at it, or at LEAST braver! (I say that you ought to at least be brave when you try new things...this is also my driving philosophy when I am in a new town, and a rental car...I get lost a lot, but I do it with CONFIDENCE!)
I started the painting above with a class watching me. The lesson was this "painting is SIMPLY shapes of colors"...using a photo from my farm (September 30, to be precise) I made myself see the shapes of color. See below for this first step. Putting them in order first, I then COMPARE the relationships of the colors. For the finish, I make adjustments, and then "de-edge" some of the color shapes...
Now, that was a FREE lesson, but there's a little more to it...JOIN ME at one of my upcoming workshops, and I will share the rest! :) (schedule below)
Jun 13-15 2011
Fredericksburg Artists School
Plein Air Color – Capturing the Impression Quickly ...or Painting and Sketching, Every Day (…and what to do with all those field studies!) for info and to register...hurry, it's almost full!

June 18- A one-day workshop, Smithville, TX... GREAT for beginners or "rusty" artists. Learn how to manage oil paints and the basics of painting quickly and impressionistically.

Oct 8-10
Workshop at Bone Creek, David City, NE conjunction with the opening of my solo show

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

FIrst Thermals

First Thermals___8x10 oil on linen panel___for Passing America: The Great Plains (click image for details!)
Early in the spring the air is often too cool and heavy for the buzzards to float as they like to do, but the day I painted this was warm. In fact, it was one of the very FIRST warm days of spring. The air was warm and light and the buzzards were enjoying their ride on the thermals!
I mentioned yesterday (or so) that I am a crazy person for the next couple of weeks, as my son prepares to graduate high school....CONGRATULATIONS Sam!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Spring Patchwork

Spring Patchwork-Caldwell, Kansas_8x10 oil on linen_for Passing America: The Great Plains

This one was painted through Kansas last month...a "drive-by" painting for my project.

It is GRADUATION time for my youngest son...if you have had a high school graduate in your life lately, you is a crazy time, with proms, parties, powderpuff football games, dodgeball tournaments and important things like that! Oh, yes, and academics! Tonite was the academic awards, and I am amazed at the success earned by the beautiful young people who have worked so hard! I will be erratic with posts for the ext couple of weeks...did I mention finals, parties and family and friends at graduation time???

Friday, May 13, 2011


Flyover__Decatur, TX___8x10 oi on linen___for Passing America: The Great Plains exhibit

**YOU ARE INVITED!...FRIDAY, May 13 (TONIGHT!) I will give a gallery talk in Smithville, TX at a reception for the opening of an exhibit. Thirty of my Farm paintings are there, for a month-long exhibit we call "Missing the Farm". Come, if you can! Stay till Saturday for a special one-day workshop. E-mail me for info

You have to look hard to see the "flyover" in this "drive-by" painting. THe last of the birds flying north from Texas last month. I was not sure what these were, but we saw pelicans when we stopped for gas. The pelicans were not in "formation" when I saw them, so these might be geese???

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lavender Textures - 1 of 2

Lavender Textures- 1 of 2__6x8 oil on linen panel___$150 or $285 for pair!

Last week I stopped by the lavender farm at Becker Vineyard in Texas. THIS time I brought my camera and snapped a few pics before going to paint a demo for Die Kuenstler (Art Association). It is late in the season...a season with NO rain, so there was NO PURPLE to speak of. This color is all imaginary. I painted two studies from my photos, because I mixed a lot of color at the demo and was able to use the "demo sky purples" in the lavender bushes. This is the first of the so happens that the paintings are VERY similar and actually seem to be a continuation of the same scene. If you get my group mail, I have shown the two works together....even the perspective works right....

I will post #2 tomorrow...but e-mail me if you want to see them side by side....they make a nice "pairing"

**YOU ARE INVITED!...FRIDAY, May 13 I will give a gallery talk in Smithville, TX at a reception for the opening of an exhibit. Thirty of my Farm paintings are there, for a month-long exhibit we call "Missing the Farm". Come, if you can! Stay till Saturday for a special one-day workshop. E-mail me for info

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Tracks out of Enid_

Out of Enid__24 x 30 oil on linen...available for Passing AMerica: The Great Plains
Here is another LARGE one, worked up from a study that I posted a few days ago. Click here to read about the "drive-by" study, and see the image below.
I started the larger version as a demo in Frederikcsburg, TX Thursday for Der Kuenstler Artists. Der Kuenstler is a large group that I have done a demo for before. Many of them follow my blog, so I told them that i would post the FINAL finished it is, above, . The middle version is where we left off after the 1-1/2 hour demo...the version at bottom is the study (a drive-by painting)
As I compare these, I still see a few little "oil changes" to make, but nothing significant. I really like the character of the study, but need to remember that the bigger one is a NEW work and cannot be a perfect replica.I will Photograph it again and exchange that image on this post as soon as I can, so check back in a week or so if you want to see the "final final"...

Out of Enid_24x30 demo "start" for Der Kuenstler...working from the one below

Out of Enid___8x10 "drive-by" study on linen....sold to BK

Friday, May 06, 2011

Irish North Star

Irish North Star__6x8 oil on linen panel___a commission
Here is one that is similar to others I have painted in Colorado...But this one is on its way to Ireland, I think!
Last night I did a demonstration for an art group in Fredericksburg, TX....Many of those artists follow my blog, so I am letting them know that I FINISHED the big one I started with them...y'all tune in tomorrow to see it! I THINK I am pleased with it, but we'll see tomorrow!
I have a few other demos and workshops coming this month and next. See my web site schedule page for details.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning__18x24 oil on linen___available, and for the exhibit "Passing America..."

A few days ago I posted the small study for this painting, which was a "drive-by" memory while passing through Enid, Oklahoma. I used the drive-by study as my reference for this larger work. There are more details: more lights, street signs and vehicles. Again, I have given it a title with a broader appeal...this "Sunday Morning" could be ANYWHERE. We have all seen brilliant sunrises like this one, and they are even more special when you can enjoy them on the way to early services!. The study is below and to read about it, click here :

Next Morning-Enid___8x10 oil on linen panel___available for exhibit, "Passing America..."