Sunday, July 29, 2007
New Moon

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
July Fog...Last Year on the Farm

Last Year on the Farm 07-21-2007 Accepting First Dibs
My computer problems are more severe than expected, so the timing for these notes will be irregular for a time…sigh….I have learned to NOT delete things in the computer which have names you never heard of….sometimes there are IMPORTANT things there that make other things work…
Sunday morning was foggy. Very unusual for July. I painted THREE little ones before church, when the sun finally brought light and color to the farmscape.
Did I tell you we have a new house in Round Rock?…not TOO far from here.
Our last day on the farm will be the 31 of October, and for the whole month of October, this farm house will be my “gallery” for the “Last Year on the Farm” paintings….365 total
I hope you will make plans to come view them all some time that month…I will send a more “formal” invitation pretty soon.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hello again, y’all!Moving and computer problems have removed me from blogging, but not from painting!This one is a drive-by from my May trip to Arizona…a little juicy Burrito! Lots of paint on this one for whoever wants it first…I would love to hear comments!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Fall Poppies

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Hay Demo

Monday, July 16, 2007
Caught on the Fly

Sunday, July 15, 2007
When There was Life Here

LAst Year Literally

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Monday, July 09, 2007
Late Spring 24 Last Year___8 pm

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Late Spring 24 Last Year___9pm New Moon

"Late Spring 24 Last Year___9pm New Moon"
I dedicate this painting to my High School classmates (Class of 1977)...see yesterday's post about why...
For my latest round of "24 paintings in 24 hours", I painted a "Late Spring Day Last Year on the Farm"....a few weeks ago, on the last week of Spring.This is looking east at sunset with the crescent moon over our nearby neighborhood....there is something very intriguing about sunset and a new moon...it seems to speak of eternal things like life and death and even hope...
I dedicate this today, because we had a memorial service this morning to honor the families and memory of our friends who have died since high school. What a wonderful time of memory and reflection...just the right kind of church service that brings hope and makes you THINK about your own life and it's "finish"...I saw many hearts touched this morning, including my own,...I would love to hear your comments...sorry for the unusually lengthy note :)
God Bless you!!!
"Last Year on the Farm" paintings are documenting my last year where I have lived most my life, near Austin, TX. These will be offered for sale in a few months, when our last year is up. Please ask me if you want a copy of the story. If you see one you like, PLEASE CONTACT V....Vaughan to have a first dibs shot at it. A list is underway....my kids get first pick! ;)
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Reunion Morn

Friday, July 06, 2007
Pelican's Summer Color
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Rainy 4th

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
So Much Rain

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Moonrise over Cove Harbor

"Moonrise over Cove Harbor" 6 x 8 oil on linen $200
We started our workshop day at 6 am, meeting at Cove Harbor near Rockport, TX, and ended with the moonrise at the same location. In between we painted near the art center. The small group of painters were experienced and willing to work the 15 hour day! What a blast we had, even dining with the mice! I will post more of the paintings this week.