See a special feature about my upcoming solo show at the University of Nebraska's Great Plains Art Museum in this month's issue of Peaks&Plains Magazine. I will give a little talk about the practice of "drive-by" impressionism, and some thoughts about the passing of America, during the opening reception in Lincoln. Come if you can on October 7, next Friday night.
The painting here was done near Santa Ana, TX, at the edge of the plains, where a few mesas break up the plain, and in this case, some skipping shadows moved over the plainscape. I love the suummer sky!
I now have ALL 154 paintings for this exhibit on my web site. Go take a look!, and come back as I am adding more details every day...but the good part is the pictures, and they are all there!
Sign up for one of these two workshops! scroll down this page to V....Vaughan
Click to see SPECIAL piece of artwork to benefit a Texas fire victim. A fun way to help if you can!
1 comment:
Congrats on the completion of work for your show. My best wishes and blessings for a successful Opening! The articles in the Plains Magazine was also great. Enjoy your moment after all the hard work.
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