Yes, there are hilltops in Nebraska! I am teaching a workshop here in Butler County where there is a region called the "Bohemian Alps", because the hills are ....um...."noteable"! They rise and give GREAT vista's of the farmland. It is harvest time right now. Corn, soybeans and corn.
The painting above was my sunrise demo...the weather has been great!!! Tomorrow,...Sunrise and MOONRISE from this hilltop...stay tuned
*** if you are in the Lincoln, NE area from now to December, go see my solo show at the Great Plains Art Museum... Passing America: The Great Plains
I have one more workshop this year! COME paint with me in Texas!
Nov. is a PERFECT time to paint in fabulous Fredericksburg... http://www.fbgartschool.com/2011_classes.htm scroll down this page to V....Vaughan
Click to see SPECIAL piece of artwork to benefit a Texas fire victim. A fun way to help if you can!
Hey Virginia,
What a beautiful painting. I just returned from Fredericksbur. I was at the Insight for Quang Ho and Scott Christianson's demos. It was a great weekend, I sold two sculptures on Saturday! I hope you will have a full workshop. You are an amazing teacher and that is such a great location for painting.
Love this. I love the plains. Even though I have also fallen in love with Idaho, I still miss my native state of Oklahoma. There's much to inspire here at the edge of the earth, but no red dirt have I seen.
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