Thursday, October 24, 2013


 Guitarrista__12 x 9 water soluble graphite__$290
Mariachi music is some of my very favorite. Growing up in south-central Texas, this music is in the background EVERYWHERE. My Ruben y Alfonso Ramos CD stays in the CD player in my downstairs bathroom...And, have you ever heard Linda Ronstadt's mariachi music? I get chills listening to her...she is the greatest! Even George Strait has a classic mariachi tune "El Rey"... Sing with me: "Yo se bien que estoy afuera, pero el dia que yo me muera, se que tendras que llorar...llorar y llorrar"...cry and cry... oops! Was I just singing? Sorry !
I had an amazing experience not long ago at San Jose Mission in San Antonio. There was a mariachi Mass going on inside, and after the service, all the musicians and a few dancing ladies in the congregation came out and played under the arches. That's what inspired this sketch....they ended with "Cielito Lindo"..."ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores"...SING, don't cry!

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