Sunday, December 02, 2012

Twilight Transit

Twilight Transit__16x20__available at Act I Gallery, Taos, NM

Boy do I have a lot of art to share!  ...and other stuff of life! 
Where to begin??
For now, I will share some art, and hope you enjoy!
A few weeks ago I did this painting as a demo for some great artists of the
Below is the start of the demo...above is the finish. If you were there, tell  me what you think!
Since it a twilight scene, I am sending it to Act I Gallery inTaos, for the winter exhibit called "Twilight". 
Since this photo, I have added the "morning star", Venus, as it looked a few months ago during the rare Venus Transit. So that explains the title!
Tomorrow's post begins a little series I have begun. It is special to my heart, and will benefit some lovely elderly people I know! Please check in tomorrow!
Merry CHRISTmas, Joey!! 


Linda Popple said...

Beautiful paintings!!

Sergio DS said...

Lovely painting, thank you for show the working progress.

I never was there, but it´s the same, I like it.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

well, now. I love the completely abstract handling of this one.