To all my Texas Friends, you KNOW there is no mountain in SA, TX, but there IS a San Antonio Mountain near Taos, NM. It is unbelieveably smooth and round looking, a gentle slope that rises from highway 285, right on the CO / NM border.
I just shipped this small painting to Act I, the gallery who represents me in Taos. It will be there for the opening of "CHAIRS", this Saturday, Jan. 17. No chairs in this painting, unless you get really creative...those are antelope or elk or cows back there....something I added for scale after painting this in the car a few weeks ago ...a "drive-by" painting.
SPEAKING of TEXAS, have I mentioned that I was nominated for Texas State Artist?....a really great honor. The Texas Legislature will decide on Finalists, soon.
I love the way you mention as an afterthought the fact that you've been nominated for Texas State Artist. What does this honour entail? By the way, this painting is fan-tas-tic!
Congrats! You deserve it - I hope you get it you would represent Texas artists very well.
V., this is a great miniature. It makes me wish I made better use of my time so that I would have been visiting your site more often. Now I must go back through your older posts to see what else I missed! Good luck with the State Artist nomination!
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