The most comfortable way to delve into watercolor, for a new painter, is to start with washes. These are transparent watercolors that you can apply over a drawing. Work out a good drawing with pencil or ink. If your values are BOLD and contrasty, you can put ANY KIND of washes over it, and it will look good! My high school students always dreaded applying that first wash of color, fearing they'd "ruin" the drawing. Solution: have copies made on heavy weight (cover stock) paper. Putting washes on 'copies" isn't as scary! The funnest part of watercolors, to me, is the total unpredictability! So I tell my students : ALWAYS begin by lowering your expectations! Want to learn more??? Sign up for a workshop! If you have time, and want to IMMERSE yourself, sign up for the Granbury or Fredericksburg workshops. Here, you will be treated to a FULL-TIME artist experience. We will eat,drink, breathe, sleep, talk, and LIVE TO PAINT! vvaughan8@yahoo.com for more info.
Feb, 7... Rockport, TX (1 day, Drawing to Paint)
Feb. 21 ...Calvert, TX (1 day, Sunrise, Moonrise)
Mar. 7 ...Rockport, TX (1 day)
April 6 - 9 ...Granbury, TX (4 day - comprehensive, in-depth workshop in an elegant place, !!!)
Apr. 18... Rockport, TX (1 day)
April 27 - 30... Gadsden, ALABAMA (4 day - comprehensive)
May 30 ...DeSoto Art League, TX (1 day)
June 5-7... Fredericksburg, TX (Painting Fast - every day, and what to do with all those paintings!)
Fall ...in New Orleans (EATING after hours :)
1 comment:
Hi V, I don't boot up for two days and have to scroll back miles to see all your posts! Absolutely love the Winter Horses, but the Red Splash is totally stunning!
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