"Bright Canyon Walls"___8x10 oil on canvas, a study at Red Rock Crossing, Sedona, AZ___$175 to the first to ask!
In May I was traipsing across Arizona with artist friends and we stopped to paint a quickie of the red rocks...Artists usually like to paint the extreme ends of daylight: early morning or late afternoon, but I have been fascinated by the BRIGHT noon day light as I have traveled all across the west this summer.
I am on the way west again...headed for Colorado. If you are anywhere near Silverthorne, please come see some great art on sale for a great cause! The wet painting sale will be held Friday night, August 15 and there's a PARTY, so let me know if you want to come. vvaughan8@yahoo.com for directions. Tomorrow I will post a "drive-by painting, so hold onto your hat...my daughter will be driving and the painting might be "nervous" hahaha
There is no time to set up an auction on this one above, so I am offering it at a great price for an 8 x 10...bigger than my usual 6 x 8..
HELLO to all my new workshop friends! I hope y'all are having time to paint! Be sure to show me your latest!!!