On June 5-7 I will teach a 3 day workshop at the Fredericksburg Artists School (TX). It is called: "Painting Fast Every Day (...and What to do With All Those Studies)"...Here is an exapmple of that....sort of. This top painting is a big one derived from the small one below. Starting Monday. I will show a few like this, and share a few things about "how to".
I just figured out that there are people "FOLLOWING ME", on my BLOG, though I had not set up the "follow me widget" yet...It took me way too long, but I finally figured out how to do it! There, on the right side of this BLOG is a little thing to click, that will allow you to Follow...I am still not sure what it means, but it makes the blog look new...so, in honor of the widget, I am posting this painting called "Follow Me"....