I painted at a friend's place today. Kay Butler owns Cactus Jack's in Gruene, TX...GO THERE!
Her place is the farm of my dreams!: views of distance, great open space and skies, a beautiful pecan bottom and a river running through it...sigh....some day I hope to be back onthe land, so keep your eyes open for me, y'all!!!...So we painted for a little while, and I painted the view across Kay's road. Then, when putting it into my wet canvas carrier, I dropped it and of course it was before photographing it. The image below is the REAL,UNCENSORED VERSION. The one above is thanks to Photoshop....not to worry, though! When "dirt happens", just wait for the oil painting to dry and it will flick right off! Till then, I say the painting has character, and the dirt is free with purchase!!

I always love the dirt and bugs that get 'glued' to a fresh painting. It's something of the spirit of the place that's captured in the pigment. It's like the tiny bits are crying out "I was here at this very moment!"
I have dog hairs on mine! Gosh but it must be great living in the country with all that wonderful open space! And please tell me, what is a wet canvas carrier??
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