Tomorrow I will be on the road, again...as Willie would say....off to Taos with a couple of painters and we plan to paint the town! The venture will take us into southern Colorado. We are hoping the leaves and color is still there. It might be hard to post there, so enjoy your "time off" from me!
THANKS for all the home remedies! :) Vitamin C, Zicam, Chicken Soup and lots of water saw me through the worst of it...which never was too bad. I finally took my son in to the doctor today. He has a sinus infection after the weekend flu...yes, we had the swine flu! yikes! It was not bad at all, thankfully...hopefully we will not get the other flu after this...
off to bed!...below is my busy October schedule!
OCTOBER SCHEDULE_________________________
Oct. 3___ A Saturday Demo in Taos at Act I Gallery
Oct. 17 Workshop in Calvert, TX. A mini half-day Plein Air Workshop. Sunrise demo, followed by workshop until noon. Primarily in oils, but all media and skill levels are welcome. Officially starts at 8 a.m. and ends with lunch. $45 Contact Cecelia at grannyc_54@yahoo.com for information and a supply list. http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php#/profile.php?id=1380900702
Oct. 24 Texas Country Reporter show, Waxahachie, TX Courthouse. ALL DAY Sunday
Oct. 25 First Annual Bovine Art Show, Cactus Jack's in Gruene, TX
Oct. 31 All Day Workshop with Austin's PACT. Limit 20 students email me for details vvaughan8@yahoo.com
Again I've had to scroll back to see what I've missed! And my gosh you've got a hectic schedule. Can see Autumn creeping in with all those gorgeous colours.
Be careful with the Zicam. It can permanently cause loss of your sense of smell.
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