Monday, October 26, 2009

Last Full Moon_farm, moon, moonrise, harvest

"Last Full Moon, Last Year on the Farm 10-26-2007"_____________sold
It seems longer ago than just two years when I painted for the last time on our farm...oh, I went back for a "last day", but this was the day before I left and locked the door behind kids later went back and broke into the house with a photographer friend and took pictures which they gave me for Mother's Day...that's another story...especially when they got caught.
I remember this painting so well, because by this time all the furniture was gone and no one was there but me. The night was quiet and I could HEAR every brushstroke.It was a hard, hard time, and I get a lump in my throat just typing this. Please 'feel sorry for me, though. I am one who NEEDS the reflective moments and the sad moments in order to REALLY feel blessed. Hard to explain, but I must confront the hard times head on, and understand them fully before I can accept them. Because of this I was the last one to leave the farm. Sometimes I admire folks who can turn a page quickly and get on with life...speaking of turning pages, I have a link below to my little book "Last Year on the Farm: A Story of Change". Click on the book cover and it turns pages so you can see the first 10 pages or so. You can order the book from this link, too.

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