Blue Cascade___8x6 oil study on linen panel___$190 includes shipping
I think the bluebonnets like rocky ground better than nice cultivated or deep dirt...That's what I have always heard, but this year they were thick EVERYWHERE. They and the prickly pear cactus seemed to be tumbling down this rocky outcrop near Llano, TX.
Tomorrow I am going back out to the hill country to paint, photograph and to pick up my farm paintings from the Gallery on Main Street in Marble Falls. It was a nice little show there, and I cannot thank Janey Rives and RB of the famous "R Bar" enough! As soon as you can, go to the RBar and tell RB that V....sent you! They really have great food!
HEY! PLEASE scroll down to see what I posted yesterday. I put the wrong date on it, so when I posted it, it went someplace else...sorry about that! If you are on my GROUP LIST that gets the post in an e-mail, you got this image yesterday...You can sign up for that at the top of the column at right... and be the FIRST to see my work when I post...
Here is some IMPORTANT INFO...especially the YouTube link!:
- June 14 -16 or 17...workshop in Fredericksburg, TX email me for info! Hope you can come vvaughan8@yahoo.com
- If you are in the central Texas area, I am teaching a SMALL group for just ONE DAY next week, on Wednesday, May 12. It might be full by the time you see this, but why not try! Email me for info vvaughan8@yahoo.com
- HERE IT IS!!! Texas Country Reporter did a GREAT story on my Last Year on the Farm. It recently was re-run on RFD-TV, and now you can see it on YouTube...or click here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j1N1yZkpZ8
- YOU ARE INVITED THIS FRIDAY, May 7, to a GALLERY RECEPTION at Whistle Pik Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX from 6-8 pm...but come early!!!
Beautiful painting, V! I love the cactus and the bluebonnets! Your colors are so soft.
V, the Texas Country Reporter program is the best one I've seen! It made me cry. What you've done is really remarkable and you deserve recognition for it. And, of course, your paintings are awesome!
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