Saturday, May 29, 2010

Quick Draw Mission Bell

Mission School Bell___14x11 oil on linen ___sold at Phippen Quick Draw
Today was the first day of the Phippen Museum Western Art Show in Prescott, AZ. Named for George Phippen, an original member of the prestigeous Cowboy Artists of America. He was an illustrator, then a fabulous painter who died too young...His family is still closely involved with this museum and show. His granddaughter, Sarah is a young artist, too, and her booth is regularly right next to mine at the show. We have become good friends.
Today the art was judged for awards, and some of us painters did the "Quick Draw" (appropriate name for a Western Art Show)...we have 45 minutes to create an original work, then 15 minutes to frame it. Then the works are auctioned off for the benefit of the museum. My favorite mission bell (from San Xavier) was my subject of this quick painting....a real loose one which was purchased by John and Janey McCullough who own and run the fine Windrush Gallery in Sedona, AZ. I am sure I misspelled their name (sorry John!). Tomorrow I will do another quick draw...stay tuned!


Linda Popple said...

45 minutes!! Amazing, V!! Love the bell and the bird! 45 minutes!! I just find your talent amazing! :-)

RUDHI Rüscher said...

Remembers me to C.FABRITIUS' little bird; but well done!

The Windrush Gallery said...

We love the painting and yes you spelled it correct. Have a wonderful show!

John & Jane