Sunday, March 30, 2008

"Charles"...from my sketchbook
I am in Nebraska. Before I left there was a BIG GAME and I spent some time sketching the boys...Meet Charles!
Tomorrow I will have a new painting from Nebraska! In the morning I'm going painting with 2 of Nebraska's finest painters, Marilyn Bower and Mark Moseman. Mark is one of the founders of the Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art, along with Anna Nolen Covault....I am staying with Anna and Allen and feel so welcome here! Pie for dinner tonight...priceless!
HUNDREDS of patrons have come to this small town to see the FIRST EVER exhibit at this brand new museum: Last Year on the Farm, the Four Seasons...I think I have met EVERYONE in David City. They all have a connection to farming and greatly appreciate my paintings. My kind of people!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tall One"

"Tall One"
I sketched my oy Samuel at the game the other night. (In my pretty new sketchbook)...
Right now I am in David City Nebraska. Tommorrow is the Aritst's Reception at the Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art. I will give a little talk about the "Last Year on the Farm".
I brought a bunch of books with me on my 6:30 am flight....after NOT going to bed last night....B U T...my luggage never made it!! I have been here since noon without a toothbrush!!! But I am too tired to think.!
I'd rather stay up all night PAINTING 24 paintings in 24 hours than to stay up getting ready for a travel trip...So I will! Next week or the week after I will have ONE LAST DAY on the farm.I have a special day planned on Aril 9 - 10,
Friday, March 28, 2008
Parker at the Plate

"Arun Catching, and Parker at the Plate"...from my NEW Sketchbook!
One of the other Round Rock Dragon moms noticed I was running out of pages in my sketchbook, so she showed up at the last game with a BRAND NEW sketchbook just for me! Not only that, she had added her own artwork to the hard bound cover, gluing REAL DiAMONDS and embelleshments to the cover!...well, they might as well be real diamonds!
The Catcher here is my good friend Priti's boy, Arun. Just two of a team-full of great young men!
So, WELCOME to the blog-mail, Kathi! Here's your boy Parker!...The Dragons won two tough games this week!
I am off to Nebraska EARLY Saturday...will miss my other son's series. UMHB won their first game tonight, though. GO CRU! Sweep 'em up!
Please come meet me at the Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art. The Artist's reception for "Last Year on the Farm: Seasons of 24" is THIS Sunday, March 30, from 4 - 7. David City, NE...
See you there!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Spring Winter Spring

"Spring Winter Spring"....6x8...$175 still wet
I went out today into the nearby farmlands with my friend Denise (a great artist!)...we both liked this spot, and painted till the wind blew all our sleeves and shirttails into our paint too much...I liked the layers of land, here which seemed to alternate between spring greens and winter drab.
On the way home we swung by my old farm where I painted the 365 paintings of our Last Year on the Farm. A couple days ago there was a big grass fire there. It was awful looking. I hope it greens up before I paint my One Last Day on the Farm. On April 9, I'll go out there and paint 24 paintings in 24 hours for the last time on this farm. The paintings will be sold IMMEDIATELY...no waiting for a show to finish! Keep watching here for details or e-mail me vvaughan8@yahoo.com.
The book "Last Year on the Farm: A Story of Change is here! Click here and scroll down to Jan 9
small format
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Pair Under Pecans

"Pair Under Pecans"____8 x 6_____$175 still wet
Cool air, Bright sunlight, Lazy cows....PRICELESS!
I will be in David City, Nebraska, for a reception at The Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art. Last Year on the Farm is their Premier Exhibition and already many people have gone to see it! I hope they'll come back on Sunday to meet me. The show will be up through May 2...stop by if you can!
The next batch of BOOKS came in today! Linda and Teri, my nice assistants, are ready to ship, so please let us know!
E-mail me here for info vvaughan8@yahoo.com
THREE national magazines have a "Farm..."mention in their April issues.
Wildlife Art Magazine has a 1/2 page blurb, Texas Monthly tells of the upcoming exhibit in Rockport, TX, and Southwest Art Magazine does, too....
I have a workshop day coming up next month. All day (and maybe into the night for hearty souls!) in Rockport, Texas on Saturday, April 26. Click here to see other workshops this year.Click here to see how to order Last Year on the Farm : A Story of Change. It's a book with LOTS of pictures of the art! Available in soft cover OR HARDBOUND!http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/196927
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"Chill"...6x8 oil on linen panel.....$175
The sun is warm, and spring grasses are in, but there is still a bit of chill in our shade!
And the pecans have not budded, yet.
I mentioned yesterday that the Last Year on the Farm exhibit is getting some more press!
THREE national magazines have a mention in their April issues.
Wildlife Art Magazine has a 1/2 page blurb, Texas Monthly tells of the upcoming exhibit in Rockport, TX, and Southwest Art Magazine does, too....
I have a workshop day coming up next month. All day (and maybe into the night for hearty souls!) in Rockport, Texas on Saturday, April 26. Click here to see other workshops this year.
The Last Year on the Farm exhibit is getting some more press!
Click here to see how to order Last Year on the Farm : A Story of Change. It's a book with LOTS of pictures of the art! Available in soft cover OR HARDBOUND!
The Last Year on the Farm exhibit is getting some more press!
Click here to see how to order Last Year on the Farm : A Story of Change. It's a book with LOTS of pictures of the art! Available in soft cover OR HARDBOUND!
Monday, March 24, 2008

"Too Early for Pecans"____6 x 8 oil on linen panel____ $175 still wet!
Well, I have taken to the backroads! On Amity Road between Salado and Belton, TX I stopped to sketch the cows and a little bit of springtime emerging in central Texas! It's still too soon for the pecans to bud, though! Someone texted me while I was there, and I sure am curious to know who it was!!!
I have a workshop day coming up next month. All day (and maybe into the night for hearty souls!) in Rockport, Texas on Saturday, April 26. Click here to see other workshops this year.
The Last Year on the Farm exhibit is getting some more press!
I'll tell about that tomorrow.
Click here to order a book in soft cover OR HARDBOUND!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Pena at the Plate

"Pena at the Plate".....oil on linen panel....$150
I bet my friends and assistants, Linda Pena and Teri G. opened this one to see what "Pena" I mentioned in the title...sorry Linda, this is Ernest Pena, a senior for the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, where my son, Tanner is a pitcher. They played a TOUGH series this this weekend and in the third game the bats came alive to win the series! Ernest had a triple to pile on some runs at the end, and Tanner pitched for the W. Congratulations to the nationally ranked CRU!!!
Here's some news about my next Rockport, TX Plein Air Workshop Day:
We’ll Start at sunrise at Cove Harbor for a demo and a quickie of the sunrise over the marshy grasses. Then we’ll stay for some sketches in the boat yard, while the light is still good. Work in pencil or paint, but we’re working on the DRAWING in a painting….and that doesn’t mean just LINES!
Have you ordered the Last Year on the Farm book? click here! http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/196927
Friday, March 21, 2008
Happy Spring

"Last Year on the Farm 3-20-2006"......happy Springtime!
There will be ONE LAST DAY on the FARM for me!
I will paint for 24 hours on April 9 - 10...a tentative date, which will depend on the weather...
I will go back and do 24 small paintings in 24 hours. The paintings will be sold on my web site in MAY. I will give everyone plenty of warning.
The next batch of books are on the way, and I now have a HARD BOUND edition, which is nice, but costs more.....today was the first day of SPRING!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Round Rock at Bat

"Round Rock at Bat"....sketch from life....
Let me explain...I sketched this last week at the Mary Hardin Baylor game vs. Sul Ross State.
The batter is Steven "Round Rock" Reinlie, my son's roommate and the clean-up hitter. He had 2 or 3 homeruns in this series! He got his nick-name for his home town high school.
Mary Hardin Baylor is in the American Southwest Conferene and is currently ranked #20 in the nation at Div 3. Go CRU!!
Now, My other son is in high school and currently plays for Round Rock High!
"Last Year on the Farm: Four Seasons" opened today at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art in David City, NE. My work is their PREMIER exhibit...and maybe hastened the opening of this FINE small museum. http://www.bonecreek.org is a one page overview of the museum...soon to be a fine web site....it's just SO NEW! Please go by and see the exhibit from now until May 2. I WILL BE THERE at an Artist's Reception on Sunday, March 30 from 4-7 pm. Come meet me!
Contact me if you want a book, or more info. vvaughan8@yahoo.com
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Third Green Fields

"Third Green Fields"....6x8....$150
I painted three little ones of the infield...all during the 1st game of a double header on Saturday. Here is third base. I posted first and second on the previous 2 days. They ALMOST line up if you place them side by side, but I did not mean to create a "triptich" (correct my spelling, please).
These give me a foundation for composition next time I paint at a ball game! I will certainly put players into the scenes next time, but these I like "as is"....you can almost smell the grass!
HERE'S A NEW WAY TO ORDER THE BOOK: Last Year on the Farm.
If you want to use a credit card, here's the way to do it, securely, and you also have the option to order a HARDBOUND book , really nice!!!
Project Status: Last Year on the Farm ...NOTE the date correction for the Bone Creek Art Museum opening of "Last Yer on the Farm"...March 19!-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 19. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
If you want to use a credit card, here's the way to do it, securely, and you also have the option to order a HARDBOUND book , really nice!!!
Project Status: Last Year on the Farm ...NOTE the date correction for the Bone Creek Art Museum opening of "Last Yer on the Farm"...March 19!-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 19. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Green Fields at Second

"Green Fields at Second"....6 x 8...oil...$150
Yesterday was First, today is Second...guess what tomorrow will be! The fields and mowed patterns remind me a little of farm land. To show the abstract space and distance on the field is my goal.
Right after I posted last night at about midnight, I got a call from my college ballplayer son, Tanner, who is just crazy about these paintings!
I promised him I'd do the pitcher's mound...his favorite place. :)
HERE'S A NEW WAY TO ORDER THE BOOK: Last Year on the Farm.
If you want to use a credit card, here's the way to do it, securely, and you also have the option to order a HARDBOUND book , really nice!!!
Project Status: Last Year on the Farm ...NOTE the date correction for the Bone Creek Art Museum opening of "Last Yer on the Farm"...March 19!-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681
-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".
- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 19. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".
- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 19. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Green Fields at First

"Green Fields at First"....6 x 8 oil....$150
Guess where I was all weekend. Out in the fields! Not farm fields, this time...but happy to have brought my paints to the ball field in Abilene, TX as Mary Hardin-Baylor whupped up on Hardin Simmons. A couple of Baptist Universities battling it out. My team came out on top (UMHB), and my son pitched a couple of fine innings in a Saturday win.
The mower patterns have always enthralled me...I did three little paintings Saturday. This is #1, and it has some really nice brush work. E-mail me if you want to see it bigger.
Now, about the Farm....
Project Status: Last Year on the Farm ...NOTE the date correction for the Bone Creek Art Museum opening of "Last Yer on the Farm"...March 19!-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681
-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".
- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 19. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Farmer's Market

"Farmer's Market"....11 x 14 oil on linen....Available in Tennessee
Last Summer I painted this while visiting my gallery and doing some business with them in Kingsport, TN. Mike and Lisa Anne gave me a whirlwind tour of that entire Tri-Cities area, and I plan to return there this summer! Their gallery, Up Against the Wall Galery represents my work in that part of the country. I am getting ready to ship this one to them, framed nicely.
I began it on location, planning to finish it from the photos I took...now I cannot find the photos, so I worked the foreground from memory...what an exercise that was!
Last Year on the Farm news...
The books have been re-ordered, but we are SOLD OUT for now.
If you want one from the next batch please let me know!
See earlier BLOG posts for other details!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Three Thirteen

"03-13 A Year Ago".....6 x 8 oil.....ship to you wet for $150
I just finished this one in my studio, looking at photos I took on this day last year on our farm.
In fact, I DISTINCTLY remember painting that cool morning, when I look at the painting I did that morning.
See it on my web site . CLick "Last Year on the Farm" and go to March, then the 13th. Of course it was painted en plein air, and is much better than this little studio memory...
Speaking of "Last Year..." THE BOOKS ARE SOLD OUT!
If you ordered one TODAY you will get ine of the last few, but GOOD NEWS! I ordered about 50 more, so if you want one of those, please e-mail me!
If you ordered one TODAY you will get ine of the last few, but GOOD NEWS! I ordered about 50 more, so if you want one of those, please e-mail me!
Little Farm
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
First to Spring

"First to Spring"______6x8_________$150 to the first one to ask!
At exactly this time last year, I was driving back from teaching in Rockport, and as the fog cleared over this farm, I stopped to snap a few pictures...The grass is the first to spring. Pecan trees will be the last hold-outs of winter. That's what I see in this painting.
This is my first spring away from our farm, but I will go out there to paint one LAST DAY there in April. I will sell the paintings in a special way, so please stay tuned.
Something new for me: I will get to watch spring emerge on a friend's farm (ranch?) this year. She has asked me to paint her place, so, on Thursday, I will go take a look and introduce myself to some land that is just as special to someone else as my farm was to me.
I will try to re-order soon. If you want one from the first printing e-mail me right away :)
Please read my farm update below:
Project Status: Last Year on the Farm ...
NOTE the date correction for the Bone Creek Art Museum opening of "Last Yer on the Farm"...March 19!
-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 19. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sam on the mound

Samuel on the Mound from my sketchbook, Friday
It was a good weekend for the Round Rock Dragons (freshman team). They won all their games and came from behind a couple times. This kid pitched a pretty good 4 or 5 innings and had a good record behind the plate, too!
It's spring break and today I started painting the farm again!
Well, I have about 10,000 photos I took over the years, and I have had the urge to paint from them lately! I am going to present some "daily paintings" for the next few days...small FARM paintings that can go to whoever wants them first!
If you are a member of my BLOG-MAIL, you will get the image about an hour before I post it on Blogger...if you are not a member, yet, just click the button at right that says "Join" and from now on you will get my art in an e-mail every time I post (almost every day.
Project Status: Last Year on the Farm ...-In April, I will return to the farm to paint a LAST DAY, 24 paintings in 24 hours.The series of paintings will be my big "goodbye". I want to do this while Spring is in the air. New life, new growth and all the symbolism of "Life Goes On". These paintings will be made available in MAY!-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 19. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Duck on the Mound

on the
From my
It's a baseball weekend, and I already have been to two games, with four more to go! I do not usually sketch the opponants, but this young pitcher from the "other team"was my warm-up sketch, yesterday. I happened to be sitting in front of his parents (who told me that his nickname is "Duck").
He was a fine pitcher, dueling it out with my son who pitched for the Round Rock Dragons (freshmen).
Round Rock won.
Project Status: Last Year on the Farm ...-In April, I will return to the farm to paint a LAST DAY, 24 paintings in 24 hours.The series of paintings will be my big "goodbye". I want to do this while Spring is in the air. New life, new growth and all the symbolism of "Life Goes On". These paintings will be made available in MAY!-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 19. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
My Farm Skies

Spread detail of "My Farm Skies" from the book: Last Year on the Farm: A Story of Change, by V....Vaughan ...$34
Order the book from my web site by Paypal
Order the book from my web site by Paypal
http://www.v-vaughan.com or e-mail me
The BOOK includes some groupings of farm paintings that "go together".
The BOOK includes some groupings of farm paintings that "go together".
(see posts from March 4 and 5).
The "SKY" spread in the book says:
"Oh give me SKY, lots of sky! After 30 years under huge skies, I learned to read them!
The place where the sun came up was not always east, and a certain place on my north-facing deck never saw sun in the wintertime. But, hot summer skies are still my favorite. "Below my studio deck, the farm sloped toward the east to the area I called "The Pens". This area changes the most (with the seasons), so I liked to paint it best. The seasons brought new color and textures, and the cows came and went. Life happened at the pens..."
Project Status: Last Year on the Farm ...-In April, I will return to the farm to paint a LAST DAY, 24 paintings in 24 hours.The series of paintings will be my big "goodbye". I want to do this while Spring is in the air. New life, new growth and all the symbolism of "Life Goes On". These paintings will be made available in MAY!-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 28. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Spread detail of "The Pens" from the book: Last Year on the Farm: A Story of Change, by V....Vaughan ...$34
The BOOK includes some spreads of groupings of farm paintings that "go together". (see yesterday's post). My paintings of "the pens" are interesting when you see them side by side, show ing change...the copy on this spread says:
"Below my studio deck, the farm sloped toward the east to the area I called "The Pens". This area changes the most (with the seasons), so I liked to paint it best. The seasons brought new color and textures, and the cows came and went. Life happened at the pens..."
Status: Last Year on the Farm ...-In April, I will return to the farm to paint a LAST DAY, 24 paintings in 24 hours.The series of paintings will be my big "goodbye". I want to do this while Spring is in the air. New life, new growth and all the symbolism of "Life Goes On". These paintings will be made available in MAY!-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 28. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Book Spread: Farm Residents

Spread detail of "Farm Residents" from the book: Last Year on the Farm: A Story of Change, by V....Vaughan Order the book from my web site by Paypal http://www.v-vaughan.com
or contact v....vaughan vvaughan8@yahoo.com $34
This spread shows some of our "Farm Residents", and is on pages 56 and 57 of the new book. It says:
"Some days I was captivated by the life on the farm, particularly the cows and egrets. I was always looking for things that created a challenge to paint - back lighting, dust, odd angles..."
Status: Last Year on the Farm ...
-In April, I will return to the farm to paint a LAST DAY, 24 paintings in 24 hours.
The series of paintings will be my big "goodbye". I want to do this while Spring is in the air. New life, new growth and all the symbolism of "Life Goes On". These paintings will be made available in MAY!
-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 28. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
-In April, I will return to the farm to paint a LAST DAY, 24 paintings in 24 hours.
The series of paintings will be my big "goodbye". I want to do this while Spring is in the air. New life, new growth and all the symbolism of "Life Goes On". These paintings will be made available in MAY!
-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 28. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Cropped Sunlight

"Cropped Sunlight" oil on linen panel 11 x 14
I just finished this one, today, after starting it in South Carolina. The horse was from a photo of a farm neighbor of ours.
It was a demo for the SC Junior Duck Stamp artists. They were a great audience! I started this one to show how to "block in" a painting using big shapes. I laid down paint thinly in all the big areas. Once I got it home, I decided to really lay down some paint here. The heavy texture of the paint was worked over with a palette knife first, then a brush.
NEW NEWS about the farm show below!
Status: Last Year on the Farm ...
-In April, I will return to the farm to paint a LAST DAY, 24 paintings in 24 hours.
The series of paintings will be my big "goodbye". I want to do this while Spring is in the air. New life, new growth and all the symbolism of "Life Goes On". These paintings will be made available in MAY!
-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 28. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Last Print...so far

"Looking Forward"....a giclee, 6 x 8 on canvas $75 + shipping ($10)
I will repeat some of what I said in the blog / mail, for the past few days...I do not like to make prints of my work, but when I get a lot of requests, I WILL do a limited edition of usually 3 to 5 prints. Because the farm paintings are being shown all over the place, I will do a few more reproductions this year than usual.
There are 10 in this edition, above, a reproduction of January 6, 2007, from
the Last Year on the Farm series. I call this one "Looking Forward". The original is sold. It is the painting I chose for the cover for my book and for the advertising I have done in Southwest Art and Wildlife Art Magazines.
I will repeat some of what I said in the blog / mail, for the past few days...I do not like to make prints of my work, but when I get a lot of requests, I WILL do a limited edition of usually 3 to 5 prints. Because the farm paintings are being shown all over the place, I will do a few more reproductions this year than usual.
There are 10 in this edition, above, a reproduction of January 6, 2007, from
the Last Year on the Farm series. I call this one "Looking Forward". The original is sold. It is the painting I chose for the cover for my book and for the advertising I have done in Southwest Art and Wildlife Art Magazines.
The limited edition prints are signed and numbered canvas giclee reproductions, stretched and ready to frame. Please let me know if you want one!Remember, the book is available NOW, too! I am getting great feedback from happy customers!
Status: Last Year on the Farm ... -Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 28. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Low Places: Limited Edition of 10

"Low Places Last Year"....a giclee, 6 x 8 on canvas $75 + shipping ($10)
I will repeat some of what I said in the blog / mail, yesterday and two days ago...
I do not like to make prints of my work, but when I get a lot of requests, I WILL do a limited edition of usually 3 to 5 prints. Because the farm paintings are being shown all over the place, I will do a few more reproductions this year than usual.
I do not like to make prints of my work, but when I get a lot of requests, I WILL do a limited edition of usually 3 to 5 prints. Because the farm paintings are being shown all over the place, I will do a few more reproductions this year than usual.
There are 10 in this edition, above, a reproduction of Feb. 8, 2007 from
the Last Year on the Farm series. I call this one "Low Places". The original is sold. It was most recently displayed at American Women Artists National Show in Scottsdale, AZ.
The limited edition prints are signed and numbered canvas giclee reproductions, stretched and ready to frame. Please let me know if you want one!
Remember, the book is available NOW, too! I am getting great feedback from happy customers!
Status: Last Year on the Farm ... -Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 28. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
Remember, the book is available NOW, too! I am getting great feedback from happy customers!
Status: Last Year on the Farm ... -Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 28. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
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