Spread detail of "The Pens" from the book: Last Year on the Farm: A Story of Change, by V....Vaughan ...$34
The BOOK includes some spreads of groupings of farm paintings that "go together". (see yesterday's post). My paintings of "the pens" are interesting when you see them side by side, show ing change...the copy on this spread says:
"Below my studio deck, the farm sloped toward the east to the area I called "The Pens". This area changes the most (with the seasons), so I liked to paint it best. The seasons brought new color and textures, and the cows came and went. Life happened at the pens..."
Status: Last Year on the Farm ...-In April, I will return to the farm to paint a LAST DAY, 24 paintings in 24 hours.The series of paintings will be my big "goodbye". I want to do this while Spring is in the air. New life, new growth and all the symbolism of "Life Goes On". These paintings will be made available in MAY!-Please click here to read a GREAT REVIEW by Kent Wolgamott in the Lincoln JournalStar: http://journalstar.com/articles/2008/02/03/living/gz/performances/doc47a0e837b407c595235319.txt-THE BOOK is HERE! EMAIL ME to order, or check the BLOG ON JAN. 9 to use the paypal button. Or just mail a check for $34 (includes shipping) to: V....Vaughan, 2606 Starling Dr., Round Rock, TX 78681-Most of the exhibit will be held over at the Great Plains Museum until THE END of March. It's going WELL and the museum has told me it is a "Stunning Success".- The seasons of 24 will open at the BRAND NEW Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art on March 28. I'll be there for the opening reception. David City, NE, on Sunday, March 30.
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