Friday, June 29, 2007
THIS Morning

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Late Spring Last Year__2 pm

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It had been 24 hours since the time of my originally scheduled flight. I had been bumped 6 times already when I observed this pilot across the terminal. It is my favorite sketch from the dozen or so I made at the airports Monday… I had been bumped off of two flights by other airline people and had seen 4 or 5 others doing what this guy was doing. I befriended one young pilot early in the day, and he was giving me other ideas about getting home (like connecting to someplace way out west where there were no storms), but when the time came to board HE WAS THE ONE who bumped me….#*!!##%&!
While trying to get back from Tennessee, I was in the center of all the recent airline problems….not only was there bad weather, but many flights were cancelled and those people were bumping me….I often fly standby, with never a problem, except this time.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Cicada Morning
Monday, June 25, 2007
I have been stranded in Knoxville since 3 pm yesterday...nearly 24 hours. ...after bragging to my friend Lisa Ann that I fly stand-by all the time and have never been bumped off a flight...so far, FIVE bumps and counting!....this is your fault, Lisa Ann!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Panhandle Plain

"Panhandle Plain Drive-by"
On the way through the Panhandle of Texas a couple weeks ago.......
BUT...Today I am flying back from Eastern Tennessee where I have been painting and visiting the gallery that represents me there. Up Against the Wall Gallery is in Kingsport and is featuring my work there right now. Go by and visit the Milhorns and see their AWESOME gallery, filled with more than just "wall"art. They carry beautiful lines of pottery and handmade jewelry and home accessories. WHen we move from the farm, I will be doing some heavy shopping :) Next week I will post a few of the paintings from my trip, and explain why there are no "drive-by Paintings" from eastern Tennessee!!!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Oak Creek Canyon Sketch
Friday, June 22, 2007
UP in Palo Duro

"Up in Palo Duro".......8 x 6
I love going to art shows where a paintout is planned. For 2 years now, the Society of Master Impressionists has had a show in Amarillo and afterwards there is a paintout at Palo Duro Canyon. Rich Nichols from Nichols Taos Fine Art Gallery puts it together and it is my favorite part of the weekend...I have never seen the canyon so green as this year...hurt the eyes....
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Near Las Cruces Drive-By
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Late Spring Day Last Year, 7pm

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Drive-By Sandia____6x8_____$200

Monday, June 18, 2007
"Stormy Dawn" 24 in 24 Hours Late Spring

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Tucumcari Suburbs, a "Drive-By"___V....Vaughan

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Stormy Sunrise...1 of Late Spring 24

Friday, June 15, 2007
Prescott Trails
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Hay Time Resumes

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Early Bunnies

"LAst Year on the Farm 06-06-2007"
We think it was the fire ants that took away all the rabbits that used to be in our fields. When I first moved here nearly 30 years ago there were MANY MANY jackrabbits. Just recently, we have had a growing family of cottontails living near our barn. They scoot out of the way when we come home at night, darting through the headlights to safety.
Last week I changed my routine and decided to paint from the back of the house, perched on the playscape (to avoid the fire ants). As I painted this early morning our Great Dane, Romeo became busy under the slide and I heard the faint but familiar scream of a bunny. I knew it was in Romeo's mouth, so I persuaded him to "give me the toy"...and he dropped the baby bunny in my hand, just as I stepped on another one....apparently he had dug up a whole nest, and while I picked up the one I stepped on, Romeo made a quick "hors d'oeuvres" out of another one...no time to get mad at him, so I rushed the little refugees into the house and took them to Wildlife Rescue, in Austin. They told me what to do to care for them, but warned me that thye probably wouldn't live...the mom bunny never came back into the yard...I hope Romeo did not hurt her... Look how precious these two are, though they did not live long...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Chicken Clinic

Monday, June 11, 2007
Donkey Drive-By

"Donkey Drive-By 2" 8x6 oil on linen $200
On road trips I like to keep my pouchade box in my lap and pass the time with "drive-by" paintings. They are usually landscapes out the window, and I have a whole "gallery" of them from the recent trip to Arizona, which I will be posting this week, along with "HAYTIME" works from the farm!!. This one is the second donkey I painted from a recent photo, and is similar to the one I did on the drive out to AZ (which I sold at Phippen).
I sent "Drive-By 1" to my e-mail group today. Please let me know if you want to see it. And be sure to sign up to receive daily mails so that you can keep up with the daily paintings without having to sign in! This little one is available to the first one who wants it!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Phippen Poppy

Saturday, June 09, 2007
Granite Mountain

Friday, June 08, 2007

"Red Rock Sunbather" 8 x 6 $200
HAPPY SUMMER...almost.
I have been posting paintings from my "Winter Day Last Year on the Farm", so it's time to get back to current works. For the next few days we'll take a break from the farm and I will post paintings from my travels in AZ and the West. Watch for my "drive-by" paintings :)
This is one of my favorites from my recent trip teaching and showing art in Arizona. The workshop finished in Sedona at Red Rock Crossing and when we arrived, this sunbather was there, so I hurried to do a quickie demo, thinking I might have 10 - 15 minutes to gather info, if I were lucky. She actually sat like this for about 3o minutes, before moving around...a real luxury for a plein air painter!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
6 Last Year on the farm - Winter Day Next 7 am

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
5 Last Year on the Farm - Winter Day 9 pm

1. At the Phippen Museum Show in Prescott, AZ, I received an “Emerging Artist” award from Southwest Art Magazine, for my body of work.. They were really excited about my Farm Series and my “drive-by” paintings…I will get a ½ page ad in an upcoming issue. http://www.phippenartmuseum.org/events/awards.html
2. Raymar awarded my painting “9 PM” as a finalist in their competition for the month of April http://www.raymarart.com
3. Society of Master Impressionists awarded a Sorg Easel http://www.studioeasel.com/contact.html at their show in Amarillo….a merit award with a prize…
4. I was selected to paint at the San Louis Obispo Plein Air event in October http://www.sloartcenter.org/events.htm
5. Local Workshop. Williamson County Art Center. July 13th, 14th and 15th, Friday evening 5-8 p.m., Saturday Time, TBA, Sunday 2-6 p.m …This will be plein air and I will be teaching How to Capture It FAST….we will start with a “Chicken Clinic” on Friday, and do a “Seven Stroke” painting, too…GREAT PRICE $150 contact :Art Center of Williamson County 512-248-8690 acwc@earthlink.net My workshops contain a lot of laughs, so I hope you can come!!!
6. MOST IMPORTANTLY…MARK SEPTEMBER 15 on your calendars…I want EVERYONE to come say goodbye to the farm with me, as I “unveil” all the farm paintings . I am framing and hanging them now on our walls which will be emptied of everything else, soon. I will send out formal invites, but want y’all to be the first to know…We will leave the farm as soon as we find a house…looking, looking….THANK YOU to all of you who have been painting out here and coming to the frame sales…one of the things I am thinking about that will make this loss bearable is getting to be more active with PAA…I will need places to paint…right now I am such a home
Monday, June 04, 2007
4 Last Year on the Farm...Winter Day 8 am

Sunday, June 03, 2007
3 Last Year on the Farm - Winter 7am

Saturday, June 02, 2007
2 Last Year Winter Day 6 am

Friday, June 01, 2007
1 Last Year...Fall Day 7 am Day 2

"Last Year on the Farm - Fall Day 2 7 am"
As we leave the farm driving to school, we come out onto Parmer Lane right at the new toll road. OI painted this from memory that day...with the oncoming headlights and the traffic signal at the toll road ahead...
"Last Year on the Farm" paintings will be offered for sale in a few months, when our last year is up. Please ask me if you want a copy of the story. If you see one you like, PLEASE CONTACT V....Vaughan to have first shot at it. A list is underway....my kids get first pick ;)