Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fish For Supper__Trout, sketch, fish

Fish for Supper___Sketch #24 from my Colorado be auctioned soon
When my guys catch fish in Colorado, we have a cooking it till I get to photograph or sketch it...and I only CLEAN the tabletop where I laid it cleaning fish for me! I set this little still-life up with grapes, apples and tabasco and the little trout...yum~!
THis entire sketchbook will be auctioned, probably starting next week. To see all the sketches posted so far, go to the BLOG and scroll down into mid July :)

1 comment:

Marie Theron said...

I agree that fish are such nice subjects to paint! I live in an area where the snoek season is bigger than ever and the catching goes on and on this year.