**please let me send you a better image if you are interested! This photo is pretty bad!
Friday night was First Friday Art Walk in Fredericksburg, TX. The galleries all stay open late and there is wine and cheese EVERYWHERE! I am represented at Whistle Pik, now, so it was a great time to do a demo. This one was finished in about an hour, with lots of friends looking on, enjoying the fun. At 16 x 20, it is a bigger one than my usual demo...see all the steps below, compliments of Pamela Taylor who owns the gallery with her husband, Tim... I had fun with the captions :)
Question: Did you do this painting from your memory? I know you do them regularly.
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that...I did this from memory, and experience...I have painted MSNY poppies in my In-Law's Poppy garden in Colorado. I like to make them up as I go...keeps me from getting nervous, believe it or not :)...How'd you know, Robin?
...me again...I mis-spelled MANY...It should read "MUCHO"
Beautiful work Virginia - your red poppy just sings! Saw you on our new Texas Painter's Blog Laurie created.
Hey V!
Glad to see you got this up fast! I was there to watch just the finishing touches and it is gorgeous. You're right. Photo doesn't do it justice. It's really yummy. Thanks for the fabulous workshop! See you in February!
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