Friday, March 30, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007
LAst Year....April 1

“Last Year on the Farm” April 1, 2006
The best reason to sign up to receive my painting as an e-mail every day is this....sometimes there is a "bug" with the blogger photo posting...like today....I was not able to put this up till just now! Sign up at right, and you'll get an e-mail with just the picture every day...view it and toss!!!
I Painted this on April first last year…I post it today as an early HAPPY BIRTHfoolsDAY to my friend Jeff!!!.Look at the difference in the grass! On March 25 I posted the same scene painted this year…much greener! You can compare the two by scrolling down...
Last Year on the Farm-April 1 2006
I Painted this on April first last year…I post it today as an early HAPPY BIRTHfoolsDAY to my friend Jeff!!!.Look at the difference in the grass! On March 25 I posted the same scene painted this year…much greener! You can compare the two at vvaughan.blogspot.com…I also tell a little bit about this one above…
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Seven Stroke Heron

"Seven Stroke Heron" .......8 x 6......oil......$100 to whoever asks first!!
Last time in Rockport we ended with a fun exercise! I like to ”Seven Strokes” with my art classes! … I led them in this composition…step by step we painted this heron with only 7 strokes....
If you spend Easter near Aransas or Rockport, I hope you will enjoy an Easter Sunrise Service on the beach! If you are there on Saturday April 7, please come paint with me at a "Saturday Sunrise" at my favorite location,"Cove Harbor". I will be teaching about capturing the sunrise FAST en plein air...we will paint early so that you can be home by early Saturday evening.
This session will start at 7 a.m. at Cove Harbor, in Rockport, TX , and it's guaranteed to be a SMALL GROUP!!! Register with Rockport Center for the Arts
V….Vaughan’s upcoming workshops…
- Rockport, TX …Sat., April 7. See below
- Rockport, TX…One Saturday every month. May date is tentative for May 12th.
- Prescott, AZ….May 29 – 31
- Bisbee, AZ….June 4 – 8
- Kingsport, TN…June 22-23 or TBA - Sept. 24-27…Shreveport, LA
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Last Year on the Farm - March 25
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Last Year on the Farm____March 24
Friday, March 23, 2007
Last Year on the Farm____March 23

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

14 x 11
© V….Vaughan
I just LOVE this painting…I just HATE this photo! My nice digital camera broke…I can’t get a new one until I sell a few more paintings. This one will ship to South Carolina as soon as it dries…a commission for some nice folks out there….I hope they like “Sally”
“Spring Day Last Year on the Farm” is coming ASAP next week!
Happy Spring!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Last Year on the Farm....REALLY!

Monday, March 19, 2007
A Bernese Mountain Dog is Lost

If you can not do this, I would understand but I had to try.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Pelican in White

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Last Year on the Farm - Cows Afar

Friday, March 16, 2007
LAst Year on the Farm - Cow Memory

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Last Year...Spring Breaks

This was March 13 2006....about the time I started painting our "Last Year on the Farm" seriously...It is fun to compare the seasons...these trees are only just turning green THIS week, but last year they were fully "leaved"...The greens are getting BRILLIANT after all the lightning storms we had this week!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Last Year....03-10-2005_________V....Vaughan

Look how GREEN it gets QUICKLY this time of year! I went back in my files to see what it looked like 2 years ago! Ah, the COWS!! If you remember, they were taken away on Jan 29th this year...Yesterday Nancy and Bobby, (Our aunt and uncle who do the real farming here) were beginning the work of taking down all the fences between the pastures and houses....I miss the cows.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

“Last Year on the Farm – March 13, 2007 ” © V….Vaughan
The sun literally peeked through while on the way up….for about 30 seconds. When it did, this fog ABSOLUTELY swamped me, even though I stand about 15 feet up on my studio deck. It was incredible!! Hey Pat H.!!! Do you remember the time we painted on the Conejos and the same thing happened? When the sunlight hits a little bit of fog, it becomes a LOT of fog!
I am teaching a one day Saturday Workshop in Rockport, TX this Sat. Let’s caravan on Friday if you are going from Austin! Drop me a line vvaughan8@yahoo.com
Monday, March 12, 2007
Last Year 03-11-2006

"Last Year on the Farm 03-11-2006" oil 6 x 8
I began this series of our "Last Year on the Farm" last year at about this time....so, from now on, I will be filling in the days I missed. Our time here is really winding down now. We have a date in mid-April, for the developers to close the deal with us. Then we will be seriously looking for another place. So, if any of you know of a nice little spot of land in the Central Texas area that needs to be painted....let me know! We will probably be here through the hot summer months, which is my very favorite time to paint the farm. If you are new to my blog and want to know the story of "Last Year on the Farm" just e-mail me!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Pre-Game Toss
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Pre-Game Stretch

Friday, March 09, 2007
Luz de Espada_____to be auctioned in April
Thursday, March 08, 2007
LAst Year on the Farm-March 8 Sunrise

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Last Year 3-07-2007

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Last Year 03-06 Pre-sunrise
Monday, March 05, 2007
Same View
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Emerging Green

"Emerging Green"______________6 x 8
As I sized and filed this in my computer, I noticed that the upcoming week is the "anniversary" of when I started painting the farm daily ....one year ago I put together over a week of daily paintings of the farm and decided that I would paint our "Last Year on the Farm". Since then I have painted it over 200 times and started posting them on this blog in October. You can see many as you hunt back through the archives. I will fill in the mising days in the upcoming months....as well as painting another series of 24 in 24 hours "Spring Day Last Year on the Farm " will be in late March/early April....
Soon I will be offering them for sale....many friends have already asked me to put their name on the back and to let htem know when it becomes available....I will be showing as many as I can in the upcoming "Last Months" on the farm, so stay tuned!
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Twelve Strokes at ACE

Cove Harbor in Feb.

"Cove Harbor in February"______sold...sort of
If you ever come to my workshop in Rockport, TX, I can pretty well promise you that we WILL paint here. This area is on the way to Aransas Pass....on the left as you leave Rockport. There are ALWAYS pelicans here, fishermen, barges tugging by, and beautiful skies! The next Plein Air Workshop day is in March! I THINK March 17, but maybe the 31....please contact me if you are interested!....I hope you like this one, Caro and Don!!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Caro's in February

"Caro's in February" 6 x 8 available
The same view I have painted several times before....From Caros back yard looking over Copano Bay. The water that morning was GREEN in the distance! I said that yesterday's was my favorite Rockport painting from the weekend...this one might be, really :)
MAry and Stewart took me Oyster Fishing out in this bay....I finished shucking the 10 gallons of oysters last night....wow, what an experience....we even floated past a trio of whooping cranes! I got some great pictures...
I will be posting farm paintings again in a couple days....the seasons are changing FAST and it's very noticeable...