Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Lefty Joe

Monday, March 28, 2011
Gruene Kiss

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Green Places

Our coyote is back! We have had him hanging around almost every day last week. We think it is a female, and wonder if there will be puppies ?! Stay tuned. Till then, I am enjoying my time with her...safely inside my car, but watching as neighbors jog past her. One guy had his little dog out there, running around off the leash, while he peeked out from behind the fence. When asked, he said he was using his dog to bring the coyote in closer....???!!!...(I will enjoy hearing my bloggers' comments on that smart guy!)
All I know is that is that our grasses are so GREEN and that makes a nice complement to the orangey fur of our coyote!...Meanwhile, I snapped a few pictures of our orangey domestic coyote relatives on the stairs this week! I have so many artist blog friends, I bet you can tell who painted some of these on the wall behind Romeo ... a few works I have traded for over the years.
(...happy Birthday, Sister Sam!)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Post Oak Ponds

NEW MINI-WORKSHOP!! If you live in the Austin, TX area, I will be teaching a special event mini-workshop on
April 14, 6-8 pm. This is part of a new Art Night event at Hyde Park Quarries. There will be a few demos, talks and HANDS ON art activities for ALL artists (12 and over). I will do a quick demo, then teach and lead a small group on the basics of oil painting. We will do a Texas Spring Landscape. ALL MATERIALS are provided for a small $10 fee. Click this link for info and to register online. Then let me know if you are coming!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Last to Leaf

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Passing the Post Oak

Monday, March 21, 2011
Spring Textures Passing

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I am VERY excited to be in the "home stretch" of this wonderful project and study. I will now be working FULL TIME on the paintings, to complete over 100 "drive-by" studies like this one, and about 50 larger works. I have about 70-80 of the small ones done, and 1 of the big ones....yes, I said "one".... I hope you will follow along with my Passing America Blog, and contribute comments there as you want to. Everyone has a farm in their memory....
Friday, March 18, 2011
Down to Drink

Our neighborhood coyote hung around here all afternoon, yesterday, it seems. You know how once you see something cool, you are always on the look-out to see it again whenever you are near the same place? So, ever since I saw the coyote a couple weeks ago (on the day my son signed a scholarship letter to play college football for the Kansas Wesleyan Univ. Coyotes!)....I have looked for the coyote in that same place ever since...yesterday he was there! In the same area, a narrow greenbelt between houses where there often is water. Yesterday there was no water, but I painted it anyway. Brushy Creek is not too far from here, so there is plenty for this guy to drink.
While I photographed, I called my son who was at home and told him to come see...that is his truck below, with one Coyote eyeing the other!

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Play Ball

It is spring break here in Round Rock, Texas, and the kids are off school, but the games play on! We have had a series this week, so lots of different guys are getting to play, and the other night was Blake's game to pitch...a tough outing for Blake as he was hit in the face while at bat, which really rattled him on the mound later...My son was called on in the last inning and he shut down the side, but our bats could not make up the difference in the bottom of the inning, so we lost......but our team bounced back the next night. So far, it has been a great baseball season for the Round Rock Dragons!
By the way, for you ball fans...there are MANY former Dragon players in the pros! Some might play for YOUR favorite team! Probably the best ones live right here in my neighborhood...(or their parents still do!) I will name names if anyone is interested!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Coyote Stories

Painting this coyote in our neighborhood made me remember my many Coyote stories!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Coyote Glare

This guy walked the fence line slowly, and I figured he was looking for people's pets to snack on, so I scared him off.....
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Coyote Daybreak

I had decided to post this tonight, because I never have and my “theme” this week is coyotes…. see yesterday's post and photos!
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Now a Coyote

I have mentioned a few times that my son is being recruited to play college football. (see highlight film, and turn up the volume!) Well, he has finally made a decision to accept a great offer from Kansas Wesleyan University in Salina, KS. It is a great fit for him and closer to home than some of the schools in Texas that looked at him!... Jokingly, I told my son that I liked this school immediately after looking at their web site. They have a cool logo and mascot: Coyote
Now, get this...on the day he decided for sure I was returning home from an appointment, and there in the middle of the road in our quiet suburban neighborhood was a beautifully grooomed, well-fed, healthy mature coyote...a REAL ONE! I flew to our house (4 doors away), got my camera and went back to find him waiting for me! A few of my pics are below...OF COURSE I thanked God for the little "sign", and was wondering what would have happened had he decided to play for the Tigers??
Also below are two stages of this study in progress...and a few words about my process...

There should be a state 3 and state 4 before the finished one above, but I forgot to snap pictures, and worked too fast :)
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Morning Moonset

Here is my third painting for the big show! It is a scene I saw a few years ago while in Northern Arizona...my favorite time of day is early morning and it is a real treat to see the full moon going down just as the sun is rising. ... I like it when it's still dark enough that the lights on the farms are still visible, so that's how I painted this scene...and it is an Arizona landscape without the saguaro cactus icon!!!The little part that took me the longest was the moon! Click the blog image to see a larger version, and MAYBE you can see the man in the moon! Join me in Wickenburg if you can! Please tell all your Arizona friends to come see the show!
***WORKSHOPS ahead!...
Fredericksburg, TX in mid June. Start planning ! It will be my longest workshop of the year.
David City, NEBRASKA in October. This one is in conjunction with the opening of my newest exhibit. A solo show at the Great Plains Art Museum in Lincoln. The workshop is filling fast.
email me if you want the brochure/info on these workshops vvaughan8@yahoo.com
Monday, March 07, 2011
Tonos Dulces

The title means "Sweet Sounds", referring to the bell and the song of the doves.
I have painted several versions of the bells at San Xavier in Arizona, but this one is my favorite because of the doves. THe mission itself is known as "the Dove of the desert"..I might change the title to "The Dove of the Desert". See a detail below.
If you are near Wickenburg, go to the Desert Caballeros Museum to see the show! Cowgirl Up! is a great gathering of the best women artists working in western themes...I have 3 large works there this year, and a couple of small things...now I am trying to re-wrangle my schedule so that I can go out to the show for a couple days.!

Sunday, March 06, 2011
Monzon San Xavier

A couple weeks ago I posted my small study for this big painting. Click to see the study.

Friday, March 04, 2011
SV vs VR

Thursday, March 03, 2011
Uphill from Here

I think I will work on this one a little bit, now that I see it "in print". (A good way to "proof" your work is to look at a picture of it, a few days after it's done, when your eye is "removed" from the process of MAKING, and can view it less "personally").
Sorry that the picture has some bad glare on it! I shot it in a hurry today and only took one picture (another lesson....ALWAYS take several pictures...)
I painted this one on the way to Kansas...I only glimpsed the scene for 10-15 seconds as we drove by, and it made an "impression" that I wanted to paint....The best thing I like about this "drive-by" painting is that I happened to see the same scene on the way back! I wasn't looking for it, but there it was, and I noticed that, though I simplified the impression, (took out a few buildings and fences) it was VERY CLOSE to the actual scene!
One last lesson for you artists...your IMPRESSION of something is FAR MORE VALUABLE as ART, than copying a careful rendering of all the details! Any good technician can copy accurately, but only YOU can communicate YOUR personal impression!!!
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Snow Melt to Fog

Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Hay for Something

Talk about a WHIRWIND trip through the Great Plains! It was decided at the LAST SECOND that we would drive to Kansas on Sunday morning! One purpose was to pay a visit to a college in Kansas that my son is considering for his college football career, and I needed to see it, so we went! Of course I will jump at the chance to do some work on my project Passing America : The Great Plains, so I brought the paints and did some "drive-by" studies along the way!
This little vignette was nestled in the corner of a large, dreary pasture in southern Kansas. The hay was damp, sagging, and probably baled a year ago or more. (As I look at the painting, I think I painted the bales a little bit too much "intact"...It made me wonder what it was baled for? Perhaps a small herd of livestock that had to be sold? The chilly, late winter weather made this scene especially melancholy to me.