Our coyote is back! We have had him hanging around almost every day last week. We think it is a female, and wonder if there will be puppies ?! Stay tuned. Till then, I am enjoying my time with her...safely inside my car, but watching as neighbors jog past her. One guy had his little dog out there, running around off the leash, while he peeked out from behind the fence. When asked, he said he was using his dog to bring the coyote in closer....???!!!...(I will enjoy hearing my bloggers' comments on that smart guy!)
All I know is that is that our grasses are so GREEN and that makes a nice complement to the orangey fur of our coyote!...Meanwhile, I snapped a few pictures of our orangey domestic coyote relatives on the stairs this week! I have so many artist blog friends, I bet you can tell who painted some of these on the wall behind Romeo ... a few works I have traded for over the years.
(...happy Birthday, Sister Sam!)
I like the new coyotee painting and I always enjoy seeing people's art collections. I had some friends over last week and they enjoyed seeing mine including my two V... Vaughans.
Usually, coyotes lure in the dogs. But, don't know why it couldn't work in reverse!
Bet that's a hungry mama coyote. We saw (and left treats for) a fox that cruised the neighborhood daily. She had kits(right word?) nearby. Love the paintings you've done lately. Funny photo of your dogs.
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