Monday, June 30, 2008
Palo Duro Mid Day

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Buffalo Single

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Rockport Oak

"Rockport Oak"....6x8 oil on fine linen panel......$175
Rockport, TX is well known for these great wind-bent oak trees that grow in clumps all over the place. They are a "signature" of this part of the Texas Coast. We "took on" the oak trees at my last workshop day...here is my effort!
***I am in the cool mountains of Southern Colorado as I post this, today...My Fater-in-law's poppy garden is "popping out, so I think I will go "take them on" with paint today! Please watch for new Colorado paintings next week!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Palo Duro Overlook

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Buffalo Pair

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Bells for Chanelle

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rockport Day___Click to bid

"Rockport Day Off" ___8x6 oil on linen panel___Click to bid
This was a nice relaxing painting, despite the fact that I locked my keys in the truck as I got out to paint. Somehow, I knew I had no place else to go, so I relaxed and enjoyed the process, while waiting for Scotty's lock and key to come to my rescue! It was a beautiful day in Rockport, TX.
THANK YOU for walking through my Farm Story with me these past few months! The ebay auctions of my Last Day on the Farm are expiring one by one for the next few days. The 365 paintings of my Last Year are now in Alabama this month. See them all and read the field notes on my web site,
http://www.v-vaughan.com Many of those paintings are STILL AVAILABLE...
24 of 24 Last Day on the Farm_Click to bid

"24 of 24 Paintings in 24 Hours_ Last Day on the Farm___Burn Remnant".......6x8 oil on linen panel__Click to see auction or bid
Many have asked what is happening at the land NOW, with us gone...Well, the developers who bought the farm from our family have put their big project on hold. They have leased the property to another farmer who is grazing these cows there, and keeping the hay cut and baled. No telling when development will come, but it is inevitable. That will be an awful day for me, but it's in the future, and maybe I will have another piece of land to get attached to by then!
THANK YOU for walking through this with me! The auctions of this Last Day are expiring one by one as the 365 paintings of my Last Year travel to Alabama this month. See them all and read the field notes on my web site, http://www.v-vaughan.com
Next week I will start showing the latest coastal stuff I have painted in Rockport, TX.
New paintings, new places are ready to be posted, starting Wednesday so stay tuned!
Monday, June 23, 2008
23 of 24 Bus Pass _ Click to bid

It was time for the clouds to break...new light on the farm...the school busses passed by on their morning runs, just like before...I was getting sad as I finished up my last day on the farm...
***Next week I will start showing the latest coastal stuff I have painted in Rockport, TX.
***Only 1 paintings left for my Last Day on the Farm....New paintings, new places are ready to be posted, starting Wednesday so stay tuned!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
22 of 24 Last Day on the Farm_Click to Bid

"21 of 24 in 24 Hours_Last Day on the Farm_Rain Skips By"----Click here to bid
Please scroll back on the BLOG to see the previous 21....
This was the beginning of the warm sun as the morning clouds lifted. I loved our FULL VIEWS of the skies on the farm...you could tell what the weather would do, ahead of time. Here a little rain shower skips by to the west. The clouds broke up and the day was HOT!
Next week I will turn the corner on new adventures....ROCKPORT, Texas will be the first new scenes...I have some new paintings from there....then the mountains of colorado....and some still lifes (lives?) in between! Stay tuned!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
21 in 24 Last Day on the Farm_ Click to bid

"21 of 24 Last Day on the Farm__Routine Resumed"__6x8 oil on Fine linen panel__Click to bid
This painting was about the time when the sky was lifting and the sun began to shine....My very last day to paint the farm was coming into its last hours and I started to get a little bit sad about it. The cows resumed their routine from the far pasture....OH, DID YOU KNOW that if you click on this picture, you cans see a bigger image??? OK, Malachy, this one is yours if you want it!
***Hello from Rockport, TX, where I am as I post this. A beautiful day on the Texas coast. Join me at Cove Harbor tomorrow for the sunrise! I'll teach all day, starting there and moving on to take on the great Rockport Oak Trees. See you there, Barbara!
Friday, June 20, 2008
20 of 24 - Last Day on the Farm_Click to bid

"20 of 24 Paintings in 24 Hours - Last Day on the Farm_Layers of Fields" 6 x 8 oil on fine linen panel_Click to see auction or to bidhttp://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140242852037
No sun, yet, as I got into the later hours of 24 paintings in 24 hours...It was early morning,the light was flat, but I enjoyed the challenge of "seeing" something interesting, even though it was a drab morning.....see the previous BLOG entries for the other 19 I have posted so far. Only 4 paintings left for my Last Day on the Farm....New paintings are ready to be posted, so stay tuned!
***Saturday is a workshop day in Rockport. Really that means, COME AND PAINT ALL DAY WITH ME! We start at sunrise, break for great food, learn a lot, and enjoy the Texas coast! It's not too late to join us, but call me quick :) 512.917.0814
***for you folks who like to plan ahead, There might be one spot left for the Austin one day workshop on July 12, 2008.
***to REALLY PLAN AHEAD, I will teach a 3 - 4 day REAL workshop at a great place in Central Texas duruing BLUEBONNET SEASON. April 13-16 is the probable date. This is my first notice. Come take on the PERFECT Texas landscape! vvaughan8@yahoo.com for details
Thursday, June 19, 2008
19 of 24 Last Day on the Farm_click to bid

19I enjoyed the solitude that morning...too overcast for sunrise color, so I "zoomed in" on some distant trees...workshop note: if the light is bad and the contrasts are weak, zoom in on something that has interesting shape or forms...these are a couple of the trees I often painted in the distance below the pens, but I peinted them from a different angle, at all times of the day and all seasons.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
18 of 24 Lst Day on the Farm_Click to bid

"18 of 24 Paintings in 24 Hours_Last of the Moon!"__6 x 8 oil on fine linen panel___Click to see auction or bid
When I painted 24 paintings in 24 hours for my Last Day on the Farm, this was the last of the moon...it disappeared for the night after this...the clouds closed in. See the blog and scroll down to see the first 18...stay tuned for the last 6 of the 24!
Only 6 paintings left for my Last Day on the Farm....New paintings are ready to be posted, so stay tuned!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
17 of 24 LAst Day on the Farm_click to bid

This one, the one before it and the one to come after it, were all started within 15 minutes of each other. I painted them FAST and furiously, because I could tell the sky was closing up for good over the moon for the night.
***”Last Year on the Farm” is DONE in Rockport. THANK YOU to all my friends there and patrons who visited! What a great show it was!
***Gadsden, Alabama will exhibit the “Last Year….” Paintings from July 1 – Aug 15. I hope my friends in the East will go see it…Reception details to come!
Monday, June 16, 2008
16 of 24 Last Day on the Farm_click to bid

Sunday, June 15, 2008
15 of 24_ Last Day on the Farm_ Click to bid

15 of 24 Paintings in 24 Hours" My Last Day on the Farm_6x8 oil on linen panel click link to bid or see the auction
The sky was so thick with humidity that night. I was sure the moon would be gone at any moment, so I painted fast! The sky changed so fast that at one point I had 3-4 paintings going at once! These I will keep if no one wants them!
More moon paintings to come!
***I'll be teaching my method of "capturing the Impression" in a couple of "one day workshops" this month and July.
June 21 in Rockport, Texas...starting at sunrise at Cove Harbor (by Off the Hook Restaurant)...This has become my "thing" for teaching in Rockport. It's where we always begin the day. I am finding a similarity between Cove Harbor and my farm: FAMILIARITY brings growth as a pwinter. Come paint with us here a couple of times, adn you wil experience it!...fascinating
July 12 in Austin- at the Hill Country Bible Church on RM 620. Only room for a few more in this class so call quick if you are interested. Brought to you by the HCBC PACT !
email me asap for details on either of these workshops. I love teaching and give away all my secrets! ;)vvaughan8@yahoo.com
Saturday, June 14, 2008
14 of 24_ LAst Day on the Farm_click to bid

14 of 24 in 24 hours : The Last Day"_____6 x 8 oil on fine linen click above link to bid or LOOK AT auction
The second of the moonlight paintings from my "Last Day on the Farm". The moon paintings are some of the best in the bunch...The auctions are expiring one by one. Now is your chance to get a V....Vaughan painting at the lowest price ;)10 Day Auction.
Friday, June 13, 2008
13 of 24_Last Day on the Farm_Click to bid

13 of 24 in 24 hours : The Last Day"_____6 x 8 oil on fine linen__Click here to bid
This starts the moonlight paintings from my "Last Day on the Farm". The upcomig paintiongs are some of the best in the bunch...The auctions are expiring one by one. Now is your chance to get a V....Vaughan painting at the lowest price ;) If they don't sell, I get to keep them , frame them and sell at shows or galleries...or just keep them :)
*** Sign up for the first Rockport workshop of the summer...it might be the last one, too! until August, due to a busy travel schedule. June 21, one full day, full of demos, discussions and lots of painting and fun! vvaughan8@yahoo.com for info
*** June 25 begins ALL NEW PAINTINGS!!! The beach, the road trips, the mountains, dead fish!....stay tuned
Thursday, June 12, 2008
12 of 24 _Last Day on the Farm_Click to Bid

"Last Day on the Farm_12 of 24 in 24 Hours"____"Day is Done" 6 x 8 oil on fine linen panel___click to bid
After painting all day, FINALLY some "color" and contrast came, just before sunset. There were a couple ducks flying by before settling on the tank for the night... Soon, the moon would be up...The next SIX PAINTINGS will feature the AMAZING MOON we had that night...my Last Day on the Farm.
***Speaking of Rockport...JOIN ME for a workshop day on Saturday, June 21. Sunrise at 6:32 am at Cove Harbor, followed by a morning of painting the famous Rockport Oaks! If it's hot, we'll have a cool day at the Art Center. Come and meet Barbara! She hasn't missed a workshop, yet. I made her class president ;)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
11 of 24 - Last Day on the Farm_click to bid

As I neared the halfway point of painting 24 paintings in 24 hours for my Last Day on the Farm, I saw the cows hurry back into the near pasture, and graze all they could before it began to get dark. They went back and forth from pasture to pasture all day! (Just two more days till the moonlight paintings).
***Speaking of Rockport...JOIN ME for a workshop day on Saturday, June 21. Sunrise at 6:32 am at Cove Harbor, followed by a morning of painting the famous Rockport Oaks! If it's hot, we'll have a cool day at the Art Center. Come and meet Barbara! She hasn't missed a workshop, yet. I made her class president ;)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
10 of 24 _ Last Day on the Farm - Click to bid

The sun started breaking through at the end of the day and some visitors came by! First some old friends, then the last of the Sand hill cranes heading north.
Monday, June 09, 2008
9 of 24 - Last Day on the Farm - Click to bid

"Last day on the Farm - My Studio Deck - 9 of 24" - click here to bid
This is the deck where I painted from for all those years, particularly the Last Year on the Farm. I loved our old farm house, made of logs (except this North wall), and I had a great studio upstairs, which I really miss.
Nine down...17 to go! Stay tuned!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
7 of 24 - Last Day on the Farm - Click here to bid

Friday, June 06, 2008
6 of 24 - Last Day on the Farm_Click Here to Bid

6 of 24 Paintings in 24 Hours "Grazing Solo".....Click to bid
This one black cow was easy to spot among the 50 white ones that roam the pastures at the old farm. She was the most noticeable of the bunch! After watching the farm "die" last year, it was so nice to paint one last day among all the LIFE again!
This is #6...18 to go!
Thursday, June 05, 2008
5 of 24 - Last Day on the Farm_Click here to bid

Here is the fifth one I painted, just a couple weeks ago...
On the overcast day that I painted 24 in 24, the cows moved from pasture to pasture...T H R O U G H this fence. I see them do it all the time, and wonder how they keep from getting cut up....I think it's the "leather outfit" :)That's the explanation for this sub-title...they don't seem to be bothered by barb wire.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
4 of 24 - Last Day on the Farm_click to bid

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
3 of 24_Last Day...click to bid

"3 0f 24_Last Day on the Farm"__Round Ones__oil on fine linen panel___click to bid
Click image to see large version and detail.
From May until November last year, we had record rains, and yet there were no farmers to cut or bale the hay, because our farming had come to an end. The other families had left the farm, but my family stayed on as we searched for a new home someplace. I painted every day, and saw the farm "going away slowly"...the cows left in January...the egrets disappeared from the landscape, the hay grew and grew, and weeds began to choke the place. The hand of the farmer was gone, and the countenance of the place really suffered. By August, you could hear the constant drone of bugs in the brush, well watered and sheltered by the tall grasses. At least they symbolized "life"...and then, one day, some new cows appeared! Another farmer had leased the place for his herd! With the cows came the cutting of new hay...these are the bales that bring life back to this old empty farm!
Monday, June 02, 2008
2 of 24_ One Last day on the Farm_click to bid

Sunday, June 01, 2008
1 of 24 _ Last Day on the Farm_ Click to Bid