"Lady Birds"...........14 x 11 oil on linen................$150
Another special price as the studio cleaning continues!...
I post this today, mainly for the title...Our beloved dog "Lady Bird" died in her sleep at the new house yesterday. Many of you met miss Lady Bird at the Farm Reception in October. She was the last of MANY stray dogs we adopted over the years, and was the one dog EVERYONE liked. We think she had a hard life before coming to us. Lady Bird had only been at the new place for a couple of days. I will paint her soon :(
But I painted the above bluebonnets and mocking birds at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center a couple years ago. Thus, the title....
Virginia, I am so sorry to hear that your furry "baby" has passed on. Dearest little Lady Bird, rest well. You've earned it ;] My fond regards to you, M. Sonoqui Gillette
I'm so sorry to hear that you lost Lady Bird. I know that is especially hard for you after moving from your beloved farm, and, now, losing your dog.
On a brighter note, the Bluebonnets and Mockingbirds make a wonderful Texas painting.
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