"Last Year on the Farm 07-07-07'
What a perfect day for the High School class of '77 to have a reunion! 07-07-07 ! I saw so MANY old friends last night at the first event of our weekend. The Austin Reagan and LBJ classes of 1977 are having our 30 year reunion all weekend. What a great group of people I grew up with in the tight knit area of northEast Austin. After 9th grade they split us up and sent half of us away from Reagan HS and over to LBJ HS.What rivals we were, and friends we ARE!
Many memories accompanied me as I painted this about an hour ago....These were "thunder tops" and as soon as I finished, the whole sky has closed in and it's raining again!
"Last Year on the Farm" paintings are documenting my last year where I have lived most my life, near Austin, TX. These will be offered for sale in a few months, when our last year is up. Please ask me if you want a copy of the story. If you see one you like, PLEASE CONTACT V....Vaughan to have a first dibs shot at it. A list is underway....my kids get first pick! ;)
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