The bluebonnets are still all over the place. Recent rains mean that the grasses will grow tall soon and cover up the rest of the flowers, so I am out as much as I can right now...and working on big versions of some of these recent studies.
"Paint the Town" in Marble Falls was a BIG success for the town! I judged over 150 paintings, and had a really hard time selecting "the BEST"...It could easily have been a 6-way tie!...If you are a painter, I hope you will put this event on your calendar for next year...the location cannot be beat, lots of variety for things to paint, the planning is smooth, the prize money is nice, and there were plenty of sales, so the artists are happy! ... vvaughan8@yahoo.com
Whilst most northern hemisphere countries are showing the yellows of daffodils, Texas has wonderful blues. What a magnificent site and a terrific painting of the bluebonnets V.
This is an awesome painting! I love it!
I watched TCR Sunday, but you weren't on it. Maybe we get different shows here. I'll keep looking.
Beautiful painting, V!! Your colors are lovely in their softness and edges. Good composition - I just want to meander along the path and discover all those wonderful flowers.
I would love to paint in Marble Falls next year. I'll have to put the date on my calendar.
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