Ahhh! I just enjoyed a WONDERFUL couple of days painting in Rockport, TX with a fabulous group of artists who let me pretend to teach them! As usual, we met at my favorite haunts..this demo was a quickie at the Cove Harbor Boatyard....I got home a few hours ago and went straight to a ball game. (It is now baseball season...the first scrimmage was tonight for the Round Rock High School Dragons! No pressure, guys, there were 4 pro scouts in the stands with their radar guns and note pads!)
Yes, this is what I would describe as a perfect day!
But it came after a very sad weekend. One of my great friends and the best boss I ever had died suddenly on Saturday. Susan Owen was the principal at Round Rock Christian Academy where I taught for 19 years. She was just a few years older than me, a YOUNG woman :)...even younger at heart! Her great gifts were gifts of the Spirit. If you ever wonder what Jesus was like, her name would be at the top of the list: Gracious, and FULL of real love and real grace and real mercy. And no one I know who knows her EVER saw her deviate from this type of goodness. Can you imagine having a boss whose door was ALWAYS open, and who ALWAYS was ready to hear you and to laugh or cry with you? And to watch her work with children was a work of art. Of course, being the principal, she often had little "law breakers" in her office. Susan had a way of correcting them with love and RESTORING these little renegades, rather than heaping on them with a guilt trip. They usually skipped away from her office, and were determined to do better just for Mrs. Owen!...I could go on and on, and I will miss her TERRIBLY...I hope you will meet someone like Susan some day.
I am sorry to be behind with e-mail replies...will catch up tomorrow
I was missing your paintings! This one is very nice. Makes me wish I was at the coast. We got more ice and snow last night.
This painting is so wonderfully done. using a few harmonizing colors that describe so much. Thank you for also sharing about the extra demension in your life with Jesus.
Just now had the chance to read your post. I must confess the first time I just focused on the painting. I am very sorry for your loss but know how blessed you were to get to work with someone like that for that long. I believe she must have felt the same about you. I've seen how you encourage and motivate your adult students, I can just imagine how you were with children.
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