We took an Easter jaunt over to my in-law's in College Station, TX and I brought the gear along to paint some drive-by's. I only did this ONE small canvas on the trip...the truck was full (5 people, and 4 small dogs who were MOST interested in my drive-by painting, or maybe they just needed my lap...).... Our south plains region is fairly flat, sloping toward the gulf coast to the east. Occasionally there is a broad vista toward the east, as in this view near Thorndale, TX.
I feel sad for our Texas farmers...it promises to be a BAD year, with the draught we are in. Already the spring color is gone, even though the pecans are only in early leaf. Everything else is the deep green of summer, and the grasses and grains are already golden, on the way to brown. We really are praying for rain...
I love this one! Great freshness and texture! You can feel and smell the grass...
There is no draught in your painting, the bright green light and lush grass reminds us that spring is with us.
Love this painting. I love your bulldog too which is what made me stop here :) Have you sold this painting?
I just found your blog. I love it.
Is this painting for sale?
This reply is for Meredith...I do not have your address, so I hope you get this....Yes, it is for sale. Please email me so that I can give you details...it is part of a special museum exhibit. :) V....
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