"Last Year on the Farm, October Light".....available
To all who have put "dibs" on the "Last Year on the Farm" paintings...THANK YOU and please get ready to tell me asap whether you would like to proceed to make a deposit on your painting.
I will send you an itemized list of the painting(s) you are interested in, along with info about terms of the sale.
Immediately after this week's exhibit at the farm, the entire collection will travel to the University of Nebraska's Great Plains Art Museum, where it will remain on display from Jan - March, 2008.
Your painting will be tagged with a title card that says "....committed to the collection of [your name ]..." and will travel to two other museum locations in 2008.
When I deliver the art to you after these shows, I hope to also have a package of other goodies for you, as a record of where your piece has been "seen". This is a good thing and enhances the value of art!
But, you also may "pass" on your dibs, and I will offer it to the #2 person on the list.
Please watch your e-mail and feel free to contact me first if you need to make plans right away.
THANK YOU....I am overwhelmed by the response...and humbled...
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