"Llano Day"___4 x 7____$150, after I'm done with the reference
Be nice to your art students! That kid in the back of the room who wants to draw NOTHING but fish, might grow up to be a great fishing guide and own his own fly fishing shop!...It wasn't all THAT long ago that Chris Johnson sat in my class each day, thinking of a new way to create a new a fish in order to meet the criteria for his latest art assignment....today this same Chris took me on a great adventure to one of Texas's most beautiful rivers: the Llano. The perfect day during the most perfect time of the year! The bluebonnets were "just right", The water as flowing clear and full, and the fish were biting! Chris is a great fising guide. I have never known anyone so in tuned to life on the river! ...I was always one step behind Chris...not seeing the fish in the water till it was almost gone...or the turtle...or the snake....but especially the fish! Then Chris let me wear his secret "fish finding glasses"...actually polarized lenses...the make the difference in seeing the details under the water....I actually spent the afternoon studying the river ...sketching, making color notes and painting a little bit...here's my first one above~ THANK YOU, CHRIS! (Here are his links below)
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