Thursday, September 23 begins the EBAY SALE of my Colorado Sketchbook. THe sketch above is number 28 of the 30 in the sketchbook. CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL 30 IMAGES TOGETHER ON MY WEBSITE....BUT...please forgive me for not QUITE having that page set up properly....call it a "rough draft"...I needed to get the blog post done NOW, and was not quite through with the website...check back tomorrow to see it finished ! Email me if you want more info vvaughan8@yahoo.com
LOVE this drawing. Through my studio door I've sketched a few thunderheads. Storms are great exercises for capturing the essence quickly as the light changes so fast. You can smell the rain with this sketch, Virginia. Simply beautiful.
So Marilyn, are you saying my drawing stinks???
I appreciate that thoughtful comment...really!
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