Towers on the Plain__6x8 oil on panel__study for Passing America Exhibit in 2011
Remember yesterday's post? That storm we drove under? Well, Allen actually stopped the car so I could do a little straightening up on my palette ...if I remember correctly, I think I spilled my oil. (Yep, Carol, I still use the Walnut Oil!) The storm overhead really fizzled fast while others built up across the plain. Allen probably remembers me getting out of the car, and shooting pictures to the north...these far-away grain elevators. They were so tiny on the horizon, that I don't think Allen saw them, but I pointed out that the sun was shining on only THEM in the distance, while we and the rest of the landscape were under the low storm clouds. But it wasn't just the towers on the horizon that got my attention, but the contrast of towering thunderheads building above them! So there are THREE towers in this little painting!...the sun was still low enough that the light on the cloud was orangey and warm....The oil drips happened on this one, too. A couple days ago I explained how that happens.
Beautiful one V! I love the light hitting the clouds and buildings.
Beautiful, V.... Reminds me of the great plains of Texas where I spent my childhood.
Hey Julie, someone from Lubbock just said the same thing! Pretty soon I will post all the works I did in the spring along the Texas Plains Heritage Trail...ALSO, my "driver" Allen just let me know that these are the elevators in David City, Nebraska...so I will revise the blog copy :)
You have captured the essence of the storm. I often want to stop and paint the storm clouds, but time never permits. I find there is great beauty in the boiling clouds just before the storm.
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