Rugby, North Dakota was a landmark for a few of us on the train (Amtrak Empire Builder). When anyone wondered where we were that morning, we all said things like "30 minutes from Rugby" or we passed Rugby a while ago"....it was an easy name to remember. Later in the day, when we were FAR from Rugby, we STILL referenced it, because it was fun to say! ...As I mentioned yesterday, the sunrise seemed to last a while this far north, so I enjoyed painting several small works back to back to back!.
***a friend, Dot Courson suggested that I am not a plein air painter, but this would be "train air"...I corrected the spelling to "trein air"...
I will be teaching this technique of capturing impressions quickly in Rockport, TX next Friday-Saturday. JOIN ME! ...info below
***WORKSHOP in Rockport! ***
Here are the basics, but email me if you want more info...this is an intensive one-day study workshop to equip you to move forward...(plus optional Saturday am paintout)
Sketching and Pushing Color from Dawn til Dark
FRIDAY, Feb 4 (with an optional Saturday morning paint-out)
7am at Cove Harbour til about noon, and 4:30 – 7 pm
also, Sat 7am at Charlotte Plummers
Seeing and sketching fast…with pencils, sketchbooks, brush on panels,
$100 for members, $125 for non
Glad you brought all your colors and not just white. Wish I could join you at Rockport I had a great time there painting after Christmas. There is so much to paint. I'll be looking forward to seeing your paintings from there. Are you ready for shorts weather and sunshine?
I really love your "Passing America" pictures! This sky is fantastic - I wish I could capture a sunset (or sunrise?) in such an abstract manner.
Sorry, I just noticed that the title says "sunrise" - I had tomatoes on my eyes....
Beautiful Painting V, I love it. Well done and all the best.
Hi V! I love your sunrises/sunsets about the best of any I have seen....you always get just the right colors.
WHOA!! Slam Bangin'
Great variety of believable color!!
just beautiful!
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