Bladen is the beloved friend of a friend, commissioned by a friend!
Knowing that Bladen is very sick made me really enjoy painting this one-a Christmas commission for D.W. to give to J.P....I waited to post it, just in case J.W was looking at my blog!
I have MISSED the regular posting and visiting with my blog-friends, and apologize for being "quiet" for a whole month. This is the longest break I have had since starting to blog about 5 years ago!
Did you enjoy the break from my art???...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Glad your back...missed you.
Love this painting and I hope Bladen gets better soon...I know it's rough when a pet isn't well. I'm going through it with my shepherd, Max.
NO!!!! I did not enjoy the break from your art!!! I looked every day for a new painting. I love your work!
No dear, we never enjoy break from YOU!
The dog paintings are beautiful and poignant, as animal portraits usually are.
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