We traveled to College Station today, to spend the day with my Father-in-Law on his birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RV!! RV stands for "Roy Vaughan", who is one of the MAIN reasons why I am a painter, today. It was RV who introduced me to Ray Vinella and Kevin MacPherson, who both pulled me along to be a better painter. RV also created all my plein air gear, outfitting me to take on the great outdoors.
So I painted a couple for RV, today and he picked...the other one! This one is his golden retriever, Chili, on watch on the dock at RV's favorite pond in his front yard...you can have it if you want it
Next Saturday, I will be teaching in Calvert, TX. Please think about joining us for a FULL DAY outside, starting with a sunrise demo and a Chicken Clinic. contact Cecilia for info grannyc_54@yahoo.com, or email me! vvaughan8@yahoo.com
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, also to my neices, Shanna, Shala, and Lexi, who are NOT triplets, but are from three different families! You know I have a big family when there are FOUR overlapping birthdays!
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