"Spring Day Last Year on the Farm - 24 paintings in 24 Hours, 6 pm"
Spring Day 24 hours of painting! On Jan 29 all the cows I’ve painted for years were taken away, so when these showed up I was delighted! Saturday as I was painting, this little group of calves strolled briskly all over the pasture in front of me! I had not planned the day, so they took over my interest. They moved around for hours, probably because it was windy and cold and they are “teenagers” …always on the go….until they crash and rest for a few minutes (6 pm)…then it’s EATING TIME! Like teens, it’s “move, move, sleep, eat, repeat”.
This and the 5 pm one are my favorites from this batch.. sign up to see them ALL!
upcoming events...THIS WEEK...24 paintings in 24 Hours
April 28. Benefit Auction of "Luz de Espada"...see blog post on April 10 for image
May 4-6. Fallbrook , CA show "Reflections in Nature"
May 12. "Sunrise Saturday Workshop" , Rockport, TX
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